Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 22, 2016

The cuckservatives and kikeservatives of the National Review are taking beating after beating. Recently, their whole crap got trolled hardcore. Before that, they got heckled mercilessly on Twitter with the #NROrevolt.
Now, even the RNC is coming down on them for formulating an evil conspiracy to Stump the Trump.
The Republican National Committee announced late Thursday that the venerable conservative magazine National Review had been dropped as a debate sponsor after it published an issue devoted to why voters should reject Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.
RNC spokesman Sean Spicer confirmed to Buzzfeed News that the magazine had been dropped as a sponsor of the Feb. 25 debate in Houston, saying “a debate moderator can’t have a predisposition.”
“We expected this was coming,” National Review publisher Jack Fowler wrote in a blog post early Friday, calling the RNC move a “small price to pay for speaking the truth about The Donald.”
What he means by “the truth about The Donald” is that he is against multiculturalism and the Jewish agenda within the GOP. The NR wants Jeb Bush, who is pushing for massive Mexican immigration and a World War with Russia.
They are against Trump for the very reasons that he is so popular.