“Robert Mueller Should Resign”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 29, 2017

For a fleeting second when I saw the link to this, I thought it was published in the New York Times.

But alas.

New York Post:

Forgive yourself if you are confused about developments in the Russia, Russia, Russia storyline. In fact, there are so many moving parts that you shouldn’t trust anybody who isn’t confused.

Consider this, then, a guide to the perplexed, where we start with two things that are certain. First, special counsel Robert Mueller will never be able to untangle the tangled webs with any credibility and needs to step aside.

Mueller, whose office is apparently leaking the “secret” news that a grand jury has approved charges against an unidentified defendant, assumed his role with one big conflict, his relationship with his successor at the FBI, James Comey. That conflict has morphed into several more that are fixable only by resignation.

That became obvious last week when events showed that any honest probe must examine the Obama White House and Justice Department. Mueller served as head of the FBI for more than four years under President Obama and cannot be expected to investigate his former colleagues and bosses.

But without that necessary step, his work would be incomplete at best. So it’s time for him to say ­bye-bye.

I have yet to listen to Fash the Nation today to get advised on how to think about the fact that tomorrow, Mueller is expected to bring charges and ARREST someone, presumably Paul Manafort (guy who ran Trump’s campaign for a brief time between Corey Lewandowski and Steve Bannon).

But what I think is that he is doing that as a distraction as this thing implodes.

After the next revelation of criminality on the part of the Russian hoax squad, of which Mueller is a top player, it might be the New York Times that’s calling for his resignation. We don’t know what the next revelation will be, but we know it’s coming.

Adam Schiff and John McCain and even James Comey and Hillary Clinton can just stop talking about this hoax. But Mueller’s personal legacy is riding on it, and he is currently locked in.

Manafort has worked as a literal Russian shill in the Ukraine. And this guy has been working in the sphere of international politics for a long time.


Manafort often lobbied on behalf of controversial foreign leaders such as former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, former dictator of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos, dictator of the former Democratic Republic of the Congo Mobutu Sese Seko, and Angolan guerrilla leader Jonas Savimbi. Lobbying to serve the interests of foreign governments requires registration with the Justice Department under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA); however, as of June 2, 2017, Manafort had not registered. On June 27 he retroactively registered as a foreign agent.

They’ve been looking at his entire life, presumably they’re going to find something they can charge him with. Maybe something sensational even, that can keep this thing rolling along for another month.

But eventually, everyone is going to say: what the hell is going on here?

Because as I have said, the conspiracy was not Trump and Russia, the conspiracy was to hoax a conspiracy between Trump and Russia – and this conspiracy to hoax a conspiracy has definitely engaged in criminal activity. Hillary’s buying and selling of #Pissgate involves multiple potential charges. James Comey leaking was a crime. Then you have the crimes they both committed before that, which flowed directly into these new crimes.

Mueller also apparently was involved in various Obama-era crimes relating to this clique of Jews, blacks and traitors.

So he can blow-up some story with Manafort and buy himself some time, but the engine has already failed. This plane is going to crash.

This entire Russian Kookspiracy has been flipped around, exactly as we wanted it to be.

It’s beautiful to watch.