Daily Slave
September 20, 2014

This is really unbelievable. Kentucky Senate candidate Robert Ransdell preaches a pro-White message to High School students and he has his microphone cut off and is denounced by some Jewy-looking faggot teacher as a “racist.”
Why is being pro-White “racist” but being pro-Black or pro-Jew is not?
It is also worth noting that this idiot teacher seems to have no idea that the United States and its major institutions are primarily run by Jews. Whites in the existing power structure are mostly bought and paid for by Jewish interests. Look at Rand Paul for example, who has gone from preaching some anti-establishment ideas to becoming a full-blown neoconservative Israel-lover. This is why America does everything in its power to support everything that Israel and Jewish lobby groups want. The American government has not represented the best interests of average White Americans for decades.
Below is video of Ransdell’s speech. It even includes a disclaimer warning people about “racist” speech when there is nothing remotely offensive contained in his remarks. This incident in a microcosm is what is wrong with America. We have far too many pussy faggots who get all bent out of shape if someone says anything that is even close to being politically incorrect.