Rochester Public Schools to Promote BLM, Violence Against White Kids

Dr. Patrick Slattery
Daily Stormer
February 16, 2017

Rochester is a hotbed of black on white violence, but apparently the administrators of its public schools don’t think that white children have been adequately punished for “slavery ‘n sh*t.”®

If you have a couple of hours to spare, Colin Flaherty has an entire playlist of videos of recent black violence against whites (and Asians), all from Rochester. And yet, Rochester’s educational overlords are convinced that blacks to do poorly at school and are arrested by police more than whites solely because of white racism. So the only way to solve the problem is to have the teachers gather all the little white kids and black kids together and announce that blacks are poor and violent because white people are so evil.

Please read the story below, and then call the Rochester School Superintendent’s office and tell her, politely and rationally (i.e. “whitely”), that she is insane.

Her name is Barbara Deane Williams.

Her number is 585-262-8378

The Daily Wire:

On Thursday, teachers and staff from the Rochester City School District in upstate New York were informed via email that February 17 will be “Black Lives Matter at School: A Day of Understanding & Affirmation.” The email encourages educators to buy a “Black Lives Matter at School” t-shirt “so students will know where you stand” and are provided online literature from radical left-wing websites, such as, explaining why saying “all lives matter” is wrong.

One question is: Who gets the proceeds for these T-shirts. It seems that they are being produced by “Black Lives Matter at School,” which is somehow affiliated with the Rochester School District. Here is there website. The claim not to be an official part of the Black Lives Matter movement, but to collaborate with local Black Lives Matter activists to make sure they align with the principles of Black Lives Matter.

“We are pleased to announce that our District will observe Friday, February 17, as Black Lives Matter at School: A Day of Understanding & Affirmation. The Rochester Board of Education, Rochester Teachers Association and Association of Supervisors and Administrators of Rochester recently passed resolutions to proclaim this day,” says the email, issued from the Rochester superintendent’s office.

This is Superintendent Barbara Deane Williams. What a creepy resemblance to Hillary!

Is she insane, or just retarded?

The email explains that Rochester City School District students, which encompasses pre-k to grade 12 youngsters, will learn the following from the highly political district-wide mandated Black Lives Matter-themed day:

  • Understands inequities based on race
  • Affirms that the lives of people of color matter
  • Believes that we all have a responsibility to work for equity

Teachers are given the option to create lesson plans that “include the Black Lives Matter movement,” a highly divisive movement that, thus far, has been associated with riots, has featured supporters calling for dead police officers and lynching white people, and has spawned at least one confessed sympathizer who murdered innocent police officers in the name of “justice.”

Yes sir, this is your tax dollars at work. And you can probably kiss your kids’ lunch money goodbye too.