ROFL: Merkel Ally Accuses Schulz of Being Der Donald

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 12, 2017

Schulz is nothing at all like Donald Trump.

He isn’t even right-wing, let alone a populist.

But for Merkel’s people, anything right of “crush the German race as revenge for the Holocaust” is literally Trump (this is the new version of “literally Hitler”).

Daily Express:

Hostilities have already broken out in the upcoming German elections with Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble comparing the former President of the European Parliament to Donald Trump.

Mr Schulz, 61, who stepped down from his post in the Parliament in an attempt to take over from Angela Merkel as Chancellor, has been accused of trying to appeal to populist sentiment and that he was being like the US President.

Now I guess “populism” is giving vague support for any policy which is not explicitly designed to destroy the nation.

Mr Schauble, of the ruling Christian Democratic Union (CDU), went on the attack against his opponent from the centre-left German Social Democratic Party (SPD) in an interview with the German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel.

He said: “If Schulz calls upon his supporters to chant ‘Make Europe great again‘ then that’s almost literally Trump, almost word-for-word.”


He added that Schulz was acting in a “populist way”, adding that he should “think a little [bit more].”

He stated that in times where there was a surge in populist movements, politicians needed to be careful with their language.

Mr Schauble said: “If Schulz allows his supporters to use the slogan ‘Make Europe Great Again,’ then he is Trump almost word-for-word.”

“In a time when populism is seducing people the world over, politicians should not speak like Mr Schulz.

“If he wants to fight populism, as he claims, he should take note of these facts.”

Mr Schulz has expressed his dislike for the US President calling Mr Trump “dangerous to democracy” and accusing him of “playing with the security of the Western world.”

In the same interview with Der Spiegel, Mr Schauble also scoffed at what he perceived as the SPD trying to promote Mr Schulz as a political underdog.

Mr Schauble said: “The man has sat in the European Parliament for decades, most recently as its President.

“If that’s not part of the establishment, what is?”

Yeah, he’s definitely the establishment.

But the establishment accusing an establishment figure of being the establishment… German politics are weird.

This “populism is bad” meme is horrible though. I don’t have any idea who thinks these memes these people have been floating lately are good.

“Populism” literally means “popular politics,” meaning a political platform which appeals to the masses of normal people.

So if you’re against populism, than what are you for?

The obvious thing you are for is elitism and/or minorism.

And you are against ordinary people.

Why would someone support a candidate that is openly against them?


Schulz is not a populist, but he is popular, given that he is the only choice being presented against Merkel. Because the masses of Germans are too cowardly to vote for AfD, but at the same time, brave enough to break the Stockholm Syndrome support for the queen bitch.

He’s going to win. And nothing will change.

But hey – the rest of Europe is doing better. And I guess not voting for Merkel is an itty-bitty baby step for the Deutschcucks.