ROFL: Netanyahu Goes to Africa to Seek Allies Against Palestine

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 3, 2016

greatest ally jew africans

Jews are really shameless people.

The King of the Jews is going to Africa to bribe the monkey people into supporting his genocide of the Palestinians at the UN.

Only a Jew would have the nerve.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu heads to Africa this week, where Israel has found much-needed partners in the battle against Islamic militants and allies in countering the rising Palestinian influence at the United Nations.

Netanyahu will also visit the site where his brother was killed in a 1976 military raid on a hijacked airliner in Uganda, a seminal event that helped cement his hard-line ideology.

Israel is hoping that the visit — the first by an Israeli premier to sub-Saharan Africa in three decades — will usher in a new era in which it provides African states with security and agricultural assistance in return for support in international forums.

Yeah, so just open bribery.


These doods just pledged to vote against Palestinian statehood at the UN because Netanyahu gave them a sack of bagels, some candies and a shiny piece of plastic.

And the entire (((media))) is just reporting on it like it’s nothing.

Israel has a long history of involvement in Africa, sending experts in agriculture and development, as well as military advisers and mercenaries, over the years.

“Israel is coming back to Africa; Africa is coming back to Israel. It’s happening in a big way,” Netanyahu told African ambassadors at the launch February of the Israeli parliament’s caucus for Israel-Africa relations. Netanyahu said last month he will seek government approval for a $13 million plan to strengthen economic ties and cooperation with African countries.

While Israeli military exports to Africa are limited, it provides several countries with security training and assistance. Granot cited Israel’s deployment of a team of security experts following the 2013 al-Shabab attack on a Nairobi mall. He said Israel, with its vast experience fighting militants, could continue to offer training on terror prevention.

Israeli defense officials say intelligence sharing is limited to a few close allies for now. Israel has military ties with several African countries, and Israel’s Defense Ministry has given clearance for private Israeli security firms to operate in some nations, including some arms sales.

In exchange for its expertise in security and other fields, Israel wants African states to side with it at the U.N., where the General Assembly overwhelmingly recognized Palestine as a nonmember observer state in 2012. The Palestinians have used their upgraded status to launch a diplomatic offensive against Israel and its occupation of lands where the Palestinians hope to establish a future state.

“We’re talking about some 45 countries in sub-Saharan Africa who vote in one bloc at the U.N.,” said Arye Oded, a former Israeli diplomat and expert on Africa. “Netanyahu wants to improve relations with these countries … and wants more countries to not vote against us at the U.N.”

Netanyahu departs Monday, and will spend a total of four days in the east African nations of Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda and Ethiopia.

This is similar to the way Jews ally with American Blacks in the US to use them as a weapon for their own advantage.

I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner.