ROFL: Team Clinton Gets BTFO by Kellyanne at Harvard Forum – Alt-Right Won the Election!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 2, 2016

So, after every election, since like the 70s, the two Presidential teams have met at Harvard to reflect on the election.

This event was always peaceful.

Until now.

Now, the other team is saying WHITE SUPREMACISTS are responsible for their loss!

This is so, so funny to me.

Kellyanne <3333

Washington Post:

The raw, lingering emotion of the 2016 presidential campaign erupted into a shouting match here Thursday as top strategists of Hillary Clinton’s campaign accused their Republican counterparts of fueling and legitimizing racism to elect Donald Trump.

The extraordinary exchange came at a postmortem session sponsored by Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, where top operatives from both campaigns sat across a conference table from each other.

As Trump’s team basked in the glow of its victory and singled out for praise its campaign’s chief executive, Stephen K. Bannon, who was absent, the row of grim-faced Clinton aides who sat opposite them bristled.

Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri condemned Bannon, who previously ran Breitbart, a news site popular with the alt-right, a small movement known for espousing racist views.

“If providing a platform for white supremacists makes me a brilliant tactician, I am proud to have lost,” she said. “I would rather lose than win the way you guys did.”

Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, fumed: “Do you think I ran a campaign where white supremacists had a platform?”

“You did, Kellyanne. You did,” interjected Palmieri, who choked up at various points of the session.

“Do you think you could have just had a decent message for white, working-class voters?” Conway asked. “How about, it’s Hillary Clinton, she doesn’t connect with people? How about, they have nothing in common with her? How about, she doesn’t have an economic message?”

Joel Benenson, Clinton’s chief strategist, piled on: “There were dog whistles sent out to people. . . . Look at your rallies. He delivered it.”

At which point, Conway accused Clinton’s team of being sore losers. “Guys, I can tell you are angry, but wow,” she said. “Hashtag he’s your president. How’s that? Will you ever accept the election results? Will you tell your protesters that he’s their president, too?”



By the way, hundreds of butthurt fags marched against Bannon even though he skipped it.

In the rain, lols.

Cambridge Patch:

Although Steve Bannon, chief strategist for President-elect Donald Trump, cancelled plans to attend a Harvard University conference Wednesday, hundreds marched through the rainy Cambridge streets that night, protesting the university’s decision to invite Bannon.

As of Monday, Bannon was on the confirmed guest list. A school spokesman told The Boston Globe Tuesday he would not be attending, but did not say why he had cancelled.

Bannon previously headed Breitbart News and has been tied to white nationalist and other widely condemned views espoused by the site. He was slated to attend the Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics event Wednesday, along with former campaign manager Kellyanne Conway.

The protest proceeded despite Bannon’s absence and despite a soaking rain.

It does seem reasonable though that Bannon should be asked to resign from the KKK now that he’s in the White House I guess.