Roger Waters Calls White Helmets Propaganda Hoaxers

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 17, 2018

Roger Waters is always down to kick a kike.

Or stomp on their skulls.

Good to see that he’s calling out the White Helmets for what they are: Israeli-backed terrorist hoaxsters.

Just more bricks in the wall of kikedom.

You know what, I’m gonna have to counter-signal that last sentence I just wrote.

Animals is the best Pink Floyd album.

No I’m just joking.

The Piper at the Gates of Dawn is the best Pink Floyd album.

That is obviously also a joke.

And in actual reality, The Wall is obviously, objectively their best album and anyone who countersignals that is just trying to be a unique individualist.

But if I was going to listen to one of their albums right now – and actually, I am going to – it would be TPATGOT.

Because it is way less depressing than the Waters-led shit, even though we know Waters was in the background making it work and presumably rewriting most of Syd Barrett’s songs. The shit Barrett did after leaving the band isn’t even coherent.