Rome: Christmas Lights Used to Push Faggotry

Daily Stormer
December 6, 2013

These Christmas decorations are meant to send a message.

This year the Christmas display along Rome’s main shopping street is being used to promote the acceptance of homosexual perversion.  The light display features the colors of the rainbow, a deliberate, ideological choice made by the city government.

According to AFP, city assemblywoman and “gay rights” campaigner Imma Battaglia said that using rainbow lights for the Christmas display is part of an effort to fight “homophobia”, and was inspired after a recent homosexual suicide.

Apparently pushing their revolting propaganda down our throats year-round is not enough for these militant perverts.  No public event or activity, even something as innocent as taking your children Christmas shopping, can be ideologically neutral.  They want to corrupt our most sacred traditions and enlist them in their war against morality and decency.