Rome: Police in Riot Gear Crush Resistance as Locals are Thrown Out to Make Way for Africans

Diversity Macht Frei
30 de Setembre de 2017

Another surreal scene from the invasion of Europe. Here we have an Italian family being thrown out of their house in Rome (Corviale) to make way for a family of Africans. Their neighbours, Forza Nuova (a far-right patriot party) and the group Roma ai Romani [Rome for Romans] gather to try and prevent this by physically blocking entry to the house. But a massive police force turns up in riots gear and confronts them. In the ensuing skirmishes, some police are injured and several people arrested, including Forza Nuova members and even women from local families.

Among those arrested was the local Forza Nuova [New Force] leader, Giuliano Castellino, who is already under indictment for holding an “illegal demonstration” by organising night-time security patrols. Here is video of this incident from about a week ago. They are just walking the streets to try and keep people safe from Afro-Asiatic enrichment and the police challenge and attack them for no reason.

Our governments now exist not to protect us, but to prey upon us. And if you organise to try and protect yourself, they send the heavies in to crush you. In modern Europe, we have governments waging war on their own people.