Daily Stormer
February 20, 2014

Yo Romeo, Romeo! Where da fugg u b at cragga?
Bess tell yo pops to be up out dis sheeet;
If you ain’t gonna u bess telt me already,
An Ah aint be no Capulet.-Black Juliet
The newest Broadway production of William Shakespeare’s immortal Romeo and Juliet is being used to promote the destruction of the White race, portraying that most famous of love stories as one of miscegenation by pairing the Anglo-Nordic Orlando Bloom with jungle princess Condola Rashad.
Broadway, as everyone surely knows, is run by Jews. However, the play’s director, David Leveaux, apparently isn’t one – just a normal British multiculturalist come to bring his Swedism to America. He once punched a guy for telling him Brits ruin American plays – apparently this Brit also ruins British plays.

Why is it that the promotion of miscegenation is now ubiquitous in the entertainment media, if there is not an explicit agenda to destroy the White race? And why are we not allowed to warn against the dangerous, corrosive nature of this practice? Does anyone really want to have children that not only don’t look like them, but have a lower IQ and are more prone to criminality?

It is worthy of note that though Bloom is indeed a pure Anglo, he was raised to believe that his father was the commie Jew novelist Harry Bloom, who was a key intellectual figure in move toward “liberating” the blacks from apartheid in South Africa. It is thus unsurprising that he would be prone to pushing this sort of hateful, anti-human propaganda against the people, even while he himself has a super-fox White wife.

We might also mention that this black Juliet business doesn’t make basic sense in the storyline. In the play, both Romeo and Juliet come from noble Italian families. A core theme of the story deals with the restrictiveness of growing up in a prominent family. They specifically cannot be together because of family wealth. What is this black Juliet’s background supposed to be? Are the Capulets a family of prominent crack-dealing immigrants?
We know, deep in our bones, that miscegenation is destructive, which is why we are naturally more attracted to genetic similarity. We can only hope that the more that they throw this in our faces, the more fundamental, biological resistance there will be to the agenda.
If we don’t, we’re pretty well doomed.