Daily Stormer
February 28, 2015

Ron Paul, despite his libertarian political and economic claptrap, has always been a defender of the freedom of the people. He has also been a generally sharp cat.
Yesterday, he warned us of a coming clampdown on the internet.
He posted this on his Facebook Page:
Today the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), a non-elected federal government agency, voted three-to-two to reclassify broadband Internet as a common carrier service under Title II of the Communications Act. This means that – without the vote of Congress, the peoples’ branch of government – a federal agency now claims the power to regulate the Internet. I am surprised that even among civil liberties groups some claim the federal government increasing regulation of the Internet somehow increases our freedom and liberty.
The truth is very different. The adoption of these FCC rules on the Internet represents the largest regulatory power grab in recent history. The FCC’s newly adopted rule takes the most dynamic means of communication and imposes the regulatory structure designed for public utilities. Federal regulation could also open the door to de facto censorship of ideas perceived as threatening to the political class – ideas like the troops should be brought home, the PATRIOT Act should be repealed, military spending and corporate welfare should be cut, and the Federal Reserve should be audited and ended.
The one bright spot in this otherwise disastrous move is that federal regulations making it more difficult to use the Internet will cause more Americans to join our movement for liberty, peace, and prosperity. The federal government should keep its hands off of the Internet!
This I agree with completely.
The Jew Soros has been a big backer of this clampdown, and the Negro terrorist chief of America has endorsed it.
If this were to go through, sites such as the Daily Stormer would no longer be allowed to broadcast their truth to the masses. As such, it would not be necessary to technically suspend the First Amendment, because they would be making it impossible for us to exercise it on any type of scale.
Though it seems like a far-off if not impossible occurrence, it is very important to understand that it is a goal of the Jew rulership to remove our internet rights.