Room Elephant: Evangelical Christians Described the Antichrist as Getting Shot in Public and Saved by a Miracle

This is a Chinese indie film that is pretty good, but very depressing. It’s all suicides and domestic violence and so on. Then the young director killed himself during post-production because of the stress. China makes some blockbuster type stuff, and they show the American blockbusters (though they are banning more and more of those for promoting gayness). But natural Chinese cinema is really heavy. The fact that Chinese are prone to being depressives is something I don’t think people are maybe aware of. I mean they’re not all depressives, obviously, but the art community is mostly that sort of person. I was going to write a review of this film and talk about that. Now I’m just using this image because it has an elephant.

Author’s note: This is a Sunday article. I’m trying to keep this nonpolitical. This is sort of political but also not. Please note that this is mostly intended to be fun, aside from the fact that I really do think you should leave the cities. I’m not trying to convince people Trump is the Antichrist. I just think… there are some weird things going on here. 

When I was a boy, this “End Times” stuff was largely promoted by extreme Christian Zionists as a reason to support Israel. Televangelists, who were all beholden to the Jews, were claiming that the State of Israel was a fulfillment of prophecy, and therefore all Christians should support this state. They then started claiming that the US invasions of the Middle East were part of the prophecy, and that the Soviet Union/Russia would try to destroy the State of Israel and America would save them.

A big part of this was boomers being totally self-centered and not being able to process the concept of death. Part of the televangelist story was that there would be a “rapture” where Jesus would come down from space and suck people up into Heaven so they didn’t have to die. Boomers were in their 30s and 40s at the time. I think now that they’re in their 60s and 70s, they’re more comfortable with death (this happens to everyone in later life). Most of this “End Times” stuff seems to have died out, which I think is probably good, given that many Christians are now questioning the support for the Jews. Up until the Second Vatican Council, Jews were considered to be enemies of Christians. (The Protestant obsession with Jews came after that.)

I should add: it was not only Evangelical Christian Zionists who were talking about the End Times. There were also non-Zionist Baptist sorts, as well as Catholics, who agreed with some of the ideas of the Evangelicals but also said that the Israeli state was evil. They would cite Revelation saying that modern rabbinical Jews are not the people of the Bible, but a satanic cult.

I could obviously get on board with this a bit more, but just really don’t know that it is good to go around thinking about the End Times all the time, or that we are actually in the End Times.

However, during the virus hysteria, Bill Gates, who was one of the lead promoters of the vaccine, lockdowns, and a global tracking system, got a patent for what appeared to be an implantable microchip that was US patent 060606. That seems like a bit too much of a coincidence. For the record, if you do the “fact check,” they will tell you that the patent doesn’t say “implantable microchip,” it is just a device that monitors the body’s movement to create cryptocurrency, which could be in a bracelet or some kind of digital watch. But it makes a lot more sense as an implantable microchip.

It seems implausible that this 666 microchip situation was just a coincidence. So either it is somehow related to a prophecy being fulfilled, or it is related to people who like the idea of purposefully leaning into these stories about the antichrist. That is to say: it’s possible that the Book of Revelation prophecies could be faked by people who for some reason want to do that.

Having been familiar with these interpretations of John’s Revelation, remembering when they were popular, I remembered that these people used to say that the antichrist would be shot in public and survive miraculously, which would cause people to rally around him. This was based on Revelation 13:3.

That could really mean anything, but the more important thing here is that these people in the 1990s were saying that this was describing someone getting shot in public and recovering from the wound.

Rather than trying to dig up old televangelist material, I asked a robot to described this belief.

According to Evangelical Christian belief, the Antichrist will survive a near-fatal wound to his rule, as described in Revelation 13:3. This verse suggests that Satan, the Antichrist’s ally, may be granted permission to heal the beast, saving him from death. This miraculous recovery will enable the Antichrist to continue his reign.

Biblical Support

Revelation 13:3 specifically states that the beast, who receives a mortal wound, will be healed. This event is seen as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy, indicating the Antichrist’s remarkable resilience.


This Evangelical Christian belief has significant implications for identifying the Antichrist. As described in Revelation 13:3, the Antichrist’s ability to recover from a wound suggests that he will not be a quiet or humble leader. Instead, he will be a boastful and arrogant figure, as predicted in other biblical prophecies (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, Daniel 11:36).

Key Characteristics

Evangelical Christians believe that the Antichrist will exhibit the following characteristics:

  1. Boastful and arrogant: He will love to give speeches and boast about himself (2 Thessalonians 2:4).
  2. Lion-like: He will roar with threats against his enemies and engage in verbal flexing of muscle (1 Timothy 4:1-3).
  3. Religious leader: He will need the support of a powerful religious leader to solidify his power, particularly around the 3 1/2-year mark (Daniel 7:25, 11:36-37).

By recognizing these characteristics, Evangelical Christians believe they can better identify the Antichrist when he appears.

It’s certainly a bit strange that this would all be so on the nose.

Trump went down and came back up and now they’re saying it’s a miracle and he himself is saying it was a miracle. He didn’t technically receive a mortal wound that was healed, but it looked like he did.

The strangest part about this is that no one is talking about it. Sure, this form of Christianity is less popular, but a lot of boomers still believe it.

Reporting for Glenn Greenwald’s Rumble show, Michael Tracey got a press pass to walk around the RNC. He has some nerd ability to memorize the faces and careers of relatively low-level politicians. (I suppose anyone could do it if they just spent time looking through albums of politicians and memorizing their faces, but his ability to notice random Congressmen in the crowd was very impressive.) He just did little 5-minute interviews with them. He also talked to some we’d all recognize, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz and some others. But a lot of these people, I did not even recognize at all.

He has a pretty good method of interviewing people, where he doesn’t get confrontational at all, and just sort of throws stuff out there causally. After 4-5 minutes, a few of these people started to pick up on his angle and got mad, but most of them just answered the questions, without realizing he was making them look deranged.

What was shocking is that dozens of different high profile and low profile Republican politicians all agreed:

  • Trump was saved by some kind of miracle, and
  • Christians have a religious obligation to support the State of Israel

They kept saying “God blesses those who bless Israel.” (I’m not seeing a lot of blessing happening in America, quite frankly. It actually looks like a completely burned out shithole.)

So, that was interesting.

According to the more traditionalist Baptist/Catholic antisemitic versions of the theory that we’re now in the End Times, this does all seem quite strange. The RNC event definitely had a clear satanic sort of energy to it, as I wrote about last Sunday.

Anyway, I’m not saying Trump is the Antichrist. I’m just saying this all seems very curious.

Remember that Trump did the vaccine too. He did the whole first part of the virus mania. There’s no reason that I can see that he wouldn’t do it again with the bird flu (or whatever), and that Bill Gates’ 666 microchip wouldn’t be a part of that.

Do you follow me?

Leave Babylon

Whether it’s the End Times or not, the verses in Revelation about going out from Babylon apply to this modern Western multicultural gay feminist urban environment of modern America and Europe.

These stories about how you should flee from godless urban areas are throughout the Bible. Even going back to Genesis, we see the story of Lot being told to leave Sodom. This place was so faggotted out that they named gay sex after it (“sodomy”).

Lot was the only good man in the city, and angels came down to tell him to leave. They were apparently very handsome (and probably slightly feminine) young men, and the men of the city formed a mob around Lot’s house, demanding the angels be sent out to engage in a gay orgy. (Genesis 19.) Lot offered that his two virgin daughters might come out for a gang-bang instead, but the mob demands anal with the angels. The angels then used some kind of magic to make all the homos go temporarily blind.

The angels then ended up having to pull Lot out of the city. Immediately after he left, the city was destroyed by a gigantic space rock. A few years ago, some very non-religious archaeologists announced that they’d found the city that “inspired” the story. They said the space rock that hit the city was 1,000 times more powerful than the atom bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima.

Who knows if or when the Sodom-like cities of America will be destroyed. Probably as soon as the last good man leaves them.

Maybe not. Who knows. I don’t know. But I know that there are warnings over and over again about when everything is gay and run by women that you’re supposed to leave these urban shitholes and go into the mountains and the forest.

There is no chance of this decadence in the West reversing itself; it is going to have to implode. You don’t want to be around for that. I don’t know that it will go full Mad Max, or that America will get nuked, or hit by space rocks, or whatever. That could happen. This could be the Book of Revelation, and Babylon could be destroyed by fire in one day.

I don’t know.

America as Babylon also makes sense in terms of the Book of Revelation.

Don’t Think Too Much About End Times Prophecy

It’s not really useful to spend a lot of time thinking about End Times prophecy. It’s not going to help anyone. If Trump actually starts doing 666 implantable microchips, that will be very strange and unfortunate, but even then, you don’t want to stop having kids or whatever. We don’t know the timeline for these prophecies, but it seems that after the destruction of Babylon there is a long golden age of some kind well before the final judgement.

Many people believe (and I have looked at the idea and considered it) that most of the Revelation prophecy has already happened, in the first century AD, and we’re all still here. There is no reason to believe that if some 666 microchip Donald Trump antichrist situation is happening that the world is going to end. So don’t use it as an excuse to not have kids, to stop your life.

Boomers actually said that they were going to waste all their money and leave nothing to their children because it didn’t matter because the world was ending. This is not a good way to think at all.

Just do the right thing. And the right thing is definitely not to stay in these urban hellscapes filled with drug addicts, immigrants, and trannies.