Rotherham: 40 Pakis Arrested in Latest Child Sex Probe

Pakis are still raping kids in Rotherham?

Shouldn’t they have become integrated Englishmen at this point?


Police have arrested 40 suspects over the last two months in relation to a probe into allegations of serious child sex abuse in Rotherham, detectives have said.

The National Crime Agency (NCA) revealed the two women and 38 men from Sheffield, Rotherham, Leeds, Dewsbury and Maidstone were questioned over historic sexual abuse and exploitation of victims as young as 11, alleged to have taken place between 1997 and 2015.

All suspects arrested or interviewed since March in relation to the NCA probe have been released or bailed pending further enquiries, detectives said in a press release.

Operation Stovewood was launched in 2014 following the publication of the Jay Report — an independent inquiry which revealed authorities in South Yorkshire including the police, social services and Labour-controlled local council had turned a blind eye to the sexual exploitation, trafficking and rape of more than 1,400 mainly working-class white girls out of concern that taking action against their mostly-Pakistani abusers would harm so-called community relations.