Rotherham Child-Sex Traffickers Yell “Allah Akbar” in Court

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 3, 2017

This is important.

Moslems view child sex trafficking, and rape, and murder, and everything else they do to us, as a part of their religious obligation.

So whereas there are whites who do bad things, they do them knowing they are bad things, for selfish reasons. But for Moslems, all of the crimes they commit, they commit with a sense that they are performing a moral duty to their god.

Just let that sink in for a second, because it is extremely heavy.

Daily Mail:

Members of a Rotherham sex gang today yelled ‘Allahu Akbar’ in court as they were jailed for abusing a girl who fell pregnant aged 12 after being groomed with alcohol.

Six men were given sentences between 10 years and 20 years – and totalling more than 80 years – by a judge who heard details of how two young girls were sexually abused in the South Yorkshire town between 1999 and 2001.

Judge Sarah Wright described how one of the girls was plied with alcohol and drugs and was having sex with a number of men from the age of 11.

The victim, in a statement read to the court, said: ‘There’s evil and truly evil people in the world. I feel my child was the product of pure evil.’

The sentencing marks the end of a series of three major trials after a report on child sexual exploitation in Rotherham revealed that more than 1,400 youngsters had been groomed, trafficked and raped in the town over a 16-year period.

It has led to 18 people being jailed for sentences totalling more than 280 years.

In November last year Sageer Hussain became the last of four brothers jailed for ‘degrading and violent’ sexual offences against youngsters. The Hussains were the most notorious perpetrators of terrible abuse against teenage girls in Rotherham.

There were emotional and chaotic scenes at Sheffield Crown Court after two of the latest defendants shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ as they were led from the dock.

As their supporters began shouting down into the court, one of the victims shouted back ‘justice is served’ as police moved into the public gallery.

Brothers Basharat Dad, 32, Nasar Dad, 36, both from Rotherham, and Tayab Dad, 34, of Tinsley, Sheffield, were jailed for sex offences along with Matloob Hussain, 41, Mohammed Sadiq, 40, both from Rotherham, and Amjad Ali, of Worksop, Nottinghamshire.

Basharat Dad was jailed for 20 years, Nasar Dad was given 14 years and six months, Tayab Dad was given 10 years, Hussain was given 13 years, Sadiq was given 13 years and Ali was given 11 years.

The girl’s pregnancy made headlines in 2001 when she was portrayed as one of Britain’s youngest ever mothers.

Although five men were arrested, there were no prosecutions at the time after the victim told police she could not say which of the men she had had sex with was the father.

Just so, the only way we can fight these animals is by believing we have a moral imperative to do so.

Instead, the Jews have cemented the idea in the minds of the masses that we have a moral imperative to help them – to help the people who are trying to conquer us, the people who are murdering us on the streets, the people who are drugging and raping our little girls.

It is time that we reexamined and deconstructed the concept of morality.

It’s very simple:

Right = what is good for us and our people

Wrong = what is not good for us and our people

There is no other level.