Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 5, 2015

The entire Rotherham council is apparently going to resign following the release of a report on how they systematically covered up the systematic gang-rape and prostitution of little White girls by an entire community of Pakis. It doesn’t appear that any of these people will be charged with crimes, however, which strikes me as completely insane. The government and Eric Pickles are admitting that they are responsible for enabling the mass-rape of little girls – how can there not be any criminal charges?

Speaking of criminal charges, where are all the Pakis who did this? How is it possible they are still on the loose?
Government commissioners have been lined up to intervene at Rotherham Council where a culture of “complete denial” over child sexual exploitation in the town was exposed.
A report commissioned by Communities Secretary Eric Pickles said the authority was “not fit for purpose”.
Council leader Paul Lakin has resigned and the council cabinet will also quit.
An earlier inquiry found 1,400 children were abused by gangs of men, mainly of Pakistani origin, from 1997 to 2013.
The National Crime Agency (NCA) said the latest report, by Louise Casey, the director-general for troubled families at the Communities Department, identified “a number of potentially criminal matters”.
Files passed to the NCA relate to one former and one existing councillor arising from the inquiry, Ms Casey’s spokesperson said.
Investigators found the council had a “deep-rooted” culture of cover-ups and silencing whistleblowers, Ms Casey said.
It also found the child sexual exploitation (CSE) team was poorly directed, suffered from excessive case loads, and did not share information between agencies.
Ms Casey said: “This inspection revealed past and present failures to accept, understand and combat the issue of child sexual exploitation, resulting in a lack of support for victims and insufficient action against known perpetrators.”
A spokesman for the NCA said it would “examine a number of potentially criminal matters identified during a recent inspection of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.”
Mr Pickles said he planned to give control of the council to a team of five commissioners, including an overall lead and one tasked specifically with looking at children’s services.
Here’s yet another tale from one of the drugged, raped and pimped out little girls:
“You could tell with my appearance. I went to five-and-a-half stone and different coloured hair. I was a totally different person.
“Obviously, there were warning signs there. I wasn’t going to school, I wasn’t going home so there’s no way that they couldn’t have realised that something was wrong.
“A worker got involved with me. She was trying to tell people what was happening but nobody would listen.
“There were various authorities that knew what was going off and decided to ignore it. I had a child protection officer, she ignored it, someone from social services, they ignored it.
“There were various meetings about me, which were saying if there was anybody found to be dead it’d be me.”
They were literally covering this up on purpose. I don’t know how that can be made any clearer, but I feel like I just have to keep typing it out in order to process it myself.

The purpose of this was to protect the feelings of stinking Moslem animals at the expense of innocent little girls who were being repeatedly gang-raped.
Can you imagine an 11-year-old White British girl getting gang-raped by curry-smelling Moslem apes?
Can you then imagine knowing that was happening, and doing everything in your power to ensure it continues?
According to the report, child abusers in Rotherham are identified but “little or no action is taken to stop or even disrupt their activities”.
Rotherham Council demonstrated a “resolute denial” of the child abuse that was taking place, the report found.
Ms Casey said the local authority was “repeatedly told” by its own youth service what was happening.
It chose, she said “not only to not act, but to close that service down.”
Attitudes within the council include dismissal of Prof Jay’s findings, denial of knowledge of the “scale and scope” of CSE, blaming others and denial that CSE remains a serious problem in present-day Rotherham.
And here, get this goyim – they are still doing this! Still protecting these apes, allegedly out of fear of being called “racist”!
The Jay report was released in August of 2014, not long after the scandal broke. That was the initial report giving the 1400 number, which is obviously a complete lie (they have admitted it could be exponentially more, but they just keep using that number anyway).
In the days after the Alexis Jay report was published, Rotherham council promised much – they’d learn lessons, they’d support victims, they’d change. It hasn’t happened.
Behind closed doors, they’ve poured scorn on the Jay report, still fear being called racist rather than acknowledge problems with Pakistani heritage men and most damningly of all are still failing to protect vulnerable children.
Faced with such appalling incompetence, the government have acted in the only way they could.
Changing the culture and practices of the council won’t happen overnight but it’s necessary.
The people of Rotherham – in particular the children at continuing risk of sexual abuse – deserve nothing else.
Here is the full Casey report.
Ultimately, maybe the council and all of these people who protected the gang-rapists shouldn’t be held responsible. After all, the only thing they were doing was following the directive of the multicultural paradise of Britain by ensuring that these colorful and vibrant bringers of diversity never look bad ever.

And really, what right do the British have to complain about these people drugging, raping and pimping-out White kids? That is their unique cultural tradition. And as the Jews have taught us, all cultures are the same, none is superior to another. So in fact, this council was correct in its assertion that it would be racist to question these child-rapists.
Whites don’t even have a culture – what right to they have to judge child gang-rape by such vibrant cultures as the Paki?
The core concept of “racism” is that White people are not allowed to criticize the behavior of people who are not White.
Let me repeat that:
The core concept of “racism” is that White people are not allowed to criticize the behavior of people who are not White.
Once more:
The core concept of “racism” is that White people are not allowed to criticize the behavior of people who are not White.
It is racist to tell Trayvon not to hide in the bushes and pop out and try to murder the neighborhood watch, racist to tell Michael Brown not to steal cigars and attack cops and of course it is completely racist to tell Moslems to stop drugging, gang-raping and pimping out little White girls.