Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 9, 2015

The Jewish Press has an article out drawing attention to Jewish influence on Rousseau I wasn’t aware of or had forgotten.
In the 1746 handwritten manuscript exhibited here, Rousseau discusses Christian commerce with Jews and examines a 1363 Ordinance by Marechal D’Audeneham concerning the business of Jewish men or women to whom Christians must pay money. Portraying the Jewish treatment of women in a very positive way, he concludes that Jewish women were on equal terms with Jewish men in transacting business. He made these notes while gathering information for Madame Louise Marie Dupin for her influential book On the Equality of Men and Women.
Everyone who is familiar with Rousseau is aware that he was both a proto-feminist and a Jew-lover, but the fact that the two positions were directly connected is quite interesting.
Madame Dupin and Rousseau both forwarded the now very popular feminist fantasy that in pre-Christian times women had some equal say in matters. It is logical then that they would include the Jews in this equation, as they are a non-Christian group with very matriarchal leanings.
The “self-hating” Jew Otto Weininger – one of the very few Jews respected by the NSDAP – was obsessed with the idea that the Jew was an entirely feminine creature, this being the defining aspect of Jewish identity. In “Sex and Character,” he wrote:
Greatness is absent from the nature of the woman and the Jew, the greatness of morality, or the greatness of evil. In the Aryan man, the good and bad principles of Kant’s religious philosophy are ever present, ever in strife. In the Jew and the woman, good and evil are not distinct from one another.
It would not be difficult to make a case for the view that the Jew is more saturated with femininity than the Aryan, to such an extent that the most manly Jew is more feminine than the least manly Aryan.
It is easy to look at Jews in the media and see the feminine character traits, as well as the dominance of Jewish females in Jew culture. Just looking at Seinfeld, for instance, we are able to see the entirety of the Jewish sexual/gender dynamic, where there is virtually no difference between the emotional state of the male and female characters, save that the female characters tend to be slightly more in control.

Other well-known Jewish males tend to exhibit feminine characteristics, to be weak and neurotic, while Jewish females tend to lack femininity, to be aggressive and vulgar.
The Jewish infliction of feminism onto gentile society can be looked at as part of their ongoing program to overwrite their hosts’ cultures with their own. Through social-engineering, they have created a new Western norm where aggressive and domineering females rule over cowardly, timid males.