Russia and Belarus Consider Fusing to Increase Power Level

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
February 18, 2018

They said it couldn’t be done.

They were wrong.

Moscow Times:

Belarus is ready to merge with Russia, Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko said on the third and last day of his bilateral talks with President Vladimir Putin on Friday.

Rumors resurfaced this year that Russia could annex Belarus as Putin’s constitutional term limits bar him from running for the presidency in 2024.

“The two of us could unite tomorrow, no problem,” Lukashenko said in a video shared by a Komsomolskaya Pravda tabloid Kremlin reporter on Twitter Friday.

“But are you – Russians and Belarussians – ready for it?” Lukashenko said as quoted by Interfax. “We’re ready to unite and consolidate our efforts, states and peoples as far as we’re ready.” 

Russian nationalists should be happy – Putin is delivering on one of the most important planks of the nationalist platform: the reunification of Russian peoples.

Note: this is more of a pan-Slavic meme, not a Russian Nationalist thing. Two separate things.

Skeptics used to talk about how the Belarussian elite wouldn’t want to suddenly become second-fiddle to the Moscow elite and would rather reign in their little potato republic rather than serve in Moscow as regional authorities.

But no, seems like this thing is happening. Because Lukashenko legally can’t stay in power any longer, lol.

Putin must be thinking about his legacy, because if it goes through, there will no longer be any doubts about his “fuckin’ based!” status. Furthermore, if Putin wants to really do his country some good, he would replace all of the people in Moscow with the people from Belarus. From all accounts, the Belorussians have done a good job running a country and are probably less treacherous and corrupt than the people in the current Russian government.

Lukashenko would run a better government than Medvedev and would be far more popular. People love him. It’s not hard to see why. He doesn’t afraid of anybody.

He cultivates the image of a concerned and truthful grandfather who cares for the country like an old man would care for his garden or something.

Meanwhile, everyone outside of Moscow hates Medvedev and all the others who are part of a liberal clique in the Kremlin. Conspiracy theories abound about how Putin is engaged in a 4D chess battle against “the 5th column” or Deep State if you prefer, comprised of people like Medvedev – who may or may not be a secret Jew with a circumcised dong.

As to whether or not his dick is cut or not… no one can say other than him, his wife and presumably some hookers.

But I do know that he’s too chummy with Jews and liberals for me to like him much.

So I say, put Lukashenko in charge of the government instead. Make him the new PM.

The man ran a country, so he’s got the experience.

He also has a habit of making truthful and objective statements.

Just think – a Russian State run by an actually competent government?

This would change the world… forever.