Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 21, 2017
What hasn’t been talked about very much by the likes of Hillary Clinton and John McCain when they were pushing for a World War with Russia (neither of them are doing that now, of course ?) is the fact that China would favor Russia.
I think it is understood that the Chinese would prefer to be involved as little as possible in such a conflict, as they really aren’t the warring type (they prefer merchantism), but if there was a situation where it looked like the West was going to beat Russia, the Chinks would feel obligated to tip the scales.
Basically, the Chinese do not like this endless war for Israel trip that the West is on. They also don’t like the general way that the US enforces its colonial agenda, which is through backroom manipulation and threats, rather than economic manipulation.
And then you have the fact that the West is a much bigger global competitor for China than Russia is.
The Chinese are now doing military drills with Russia, which more than something practical, is a way to send a warning to the West that they are going to be on Russia’s side, should war break out.
The ‘Joint Sea 2017’ drills of the Russian and Chinese naval forces have begun the first stage of major exercises, marking the first time they have taken place in Europe.
As the Chinese ships entered the Russian sea port of Baltiysk on Friday, the first phase began, with the active phase commencing on July 24.
While the Baltic stage of the exercises is set to last through July 28, the second phase of the Joint Sea maneuvers will be held in the Russian Far East, the Sea of Japan, and the Sea of Okhotsk in September.
“This is the first visit of Chinese fleet in Baltiysk in the history of the Russian-Chinese relations,” Tass agency quoted Russian Baltic Fleet spokesman Roman Martov as saying.
Joint Sea 2017 will feature China’s most advanced military vessels, including the Type 052D missile destroyer Changsha, missile frigate Yungchen, and the Luomahu supply ship, which concluded live-fire drills in the Mediterranean last week.
The Russian Navy will deploy the latest class corvettes – Stregushchiy and Boiky. In addition, nearly a dozen aircraft and helicopters from both sides will take part.
“The key goals of the exercises are to increase the efficiency in cooperation between the two fleets in countering security threats at sea, to train compatibility of the crews of Russian and Chinese warships, to strengthen friendship and cooperation between the Russian Navy and the Naval Forces of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement. Joint Sea 2017 will include anti-submarine warfare and air defense drills.
The Chinese flotilla did not go unnoticed as it headed towards the Baltic, with British, Dutch, and Danish ships escorting it. Although said to be “part of the normal surveillance,” political commentator John Wight believes the reaction was prompted by the “ongoing propaganda campaign in the Western media to paint Russia and China as a kind of evil empires.”
They can do all the painting they want – with China on her side, Russia would be able to win a war against the West.
The people pushing for this WWIII scenario are absolutely deluded freaks, who believe that it is still the 1980s.
The Chinese do not think this is a game, in the same way that the leaders of the West think it is a game. They have a clear global agenda that has a much wider scope than “let’s do everything for the Jews, whatever they ask us to do, let’s just do all of it.”
Jews are currently attempting to gain more influence in China. But it’s way too late for that.
The Chinks want a peaceful world where they can do business. The Russians, in the long term want the same thing, though they clearly want to have dominance over Europe. These two agendas are not in conflict with one another. At least not on the 100ish year scale.
In the eyes of the world, the US/EU obsession with starting weird, meaningless wars and manipulating or overthrowing the governments of countries is seen as insane.
It looks like there’s people having a peaceful black-tie cocktail party discussing literature, politics and philosophy, and some guy shows up piss drunk in a jogging suit and a motorcycle helmet, drops his pants and takes a dump in the punch bowl, then starts flipping over tables and punching people in the face at random, picking up chairs and throwing them across the room. He then singles out certain attendees of the party and tells them that if they don’t help him beat up other party-goers, he will destroy them. When he is asked why he is acting like that, he says, “I have to do this – it is in my interests to do so. All of you are against me. If you question why I’m doing this, it is because you are trying to destroy me. I have a right to protect my interests at this cocktail party.”