Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
March 10, 2014
After Switzerland put a cap on immigration last month, as well as several EU countries such as Britain and Norway wanting to do the same, anti-White European Union leaders were outraged because freedom of movement is “not up for negotiation” said Viviane Reding of the European Commission.

But recently, among all the trouble in Russia and the Ukraine, the EU said that it might ban the visas of Russian people living in Europe, among other things, as a spiteful attempt to force Russia to do what the EU says.
“If there is no de-escalation, [of the Russian intervention in Ukraine]” Herman Van Rompuy said, European Council President “the EU will decide on additional measures, such as visa restrictions, asset freezes and cancellation of the Russia-EU summit,”
British Prime Minister, David Cameron agrees with Rompuy’s suggestions; assets could be frozen, travel bans on Russian citizens could be imposed on Russia “relatively quickly“.
This comes after Russian troops entered Ukraine.
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich Moscow will react visa bans: “Should consular posts of any of the EU member countries move toward a certain tightening of visa application proceedings, we will immediately react to that,” he said.
“It is obviously a politicized, unconstructive and baseless approach, which goes contrary to the existing agreements between Russia and the EU on further simplification of rules for mutual citizens’ travels,” Lukashevich said.
Crimean Prime Minister, Sergey Aksyonov supporter Russia: “As soon as the Russians for the first time concentrated on defending their interests – and not just Russians, the Ukrainians living here also, everyone got agitated and started talking sanctions. Do we advise America or Germany how to deal with their autonomous regions and tell people what to do? This is their own right, as is the right of the Crimeans for self-determination,”
All anti-Whites agree that while White countries may be democratic, they are not allowed to have self-preservation. By that, I mean we are not allowed to control our borders in ANY White country.
There is not a single group on this planet that would freely vote for its own annihilation. In White countries, our borders were not agreed upon by the majority to be opened – they were opened by political force from anti-Whites.
The whole point of making White countries minority White (White genocide), was so that anti-Whites could have total control over the White minorities. While Russia may or may not be strictly pro-White, it is pro-Russian, and it’s important to remember that Russia is a country with a higher percentage of White people than the USA, with 84.86% being Indo-Europeans (White people).