Russia Comments on US Debate: “Wrestling Match on the Titanic … The Iceberg is 15 Minutes Away”

“You don’t understand. I am the iceberg.” -Beastmerica

Russia saying the US is collapsing is so funny.

It’s clearly true.

Whatever you want to say about Russia, it’s been there a long time and it’s not going anywhere. They already had a collapse in the 1990s and they’ve rebuilt from that.

America is headed for something pretty similar to the collapse of the USSR – though America’s collapse will have the vibrancy of diversity.


The US presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris lacked substance and was largely irrelevant considering that their country is going full speed ahead towards disaster, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has argued.

Speaking on Radio Sputnik on Wednesday, she said she did not consider it a high-profile event. It mattered as much as the outcome of a hypothetical wrestling match on board the ill-fated Titanic during its trip across the Atlantic Ocean, she claimed.

”Who do you think won? Why would that matter? The iceberg is 15 minutes away,” she said.

Extending the metaphor, she said neither Trump nor Harris intended to get to the wheel to change the course of the ship. America is on its way to a “total, global disaster” and the rest of the world is trying to prepare for it, she suggested.

The debate itself, according to Zakharova, was a mixture of “fantasizing about the future” and citing some facts about the past, with the candidates failing to agree on what those facts were.

”We were given the latest show by people who apparently never ever take any responsibility for what they say,” the Russian official said.

International audiences paid attention to what happened in Philadelphia on Tuesday night because they want to know which nations “will get punished and how much” during the next US presidential term, Zakharova stated.

Putin’s personal spokesman also commented on the debate.


Moscow is unhappy about the use of President Vladimir Putin’s name in US domestic politics, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said.

The official was asked on Wednesday about remarks that Democratic nominee Kamala Harris made about the Russian leader during the Tuesday night event. Putin “would eat you for lunch,” she told her Republican opponent, Donald Trump, as she touted her commitments to NATO and Ukraine.

Peskov said that while the Russian government had taken note of the references during the debate in Philadelphia, it considered both candidates to be hostile.

”Putin’s name is being used as one of the tools in the American domestic political fight,” he added. “We do not like that at all. We hope that they will leave the name of our president alone.”


The Will Smith response.

I doubt that’s how Putin would have worded it. He’s said before that Peskov just says whatever he wants and he can’t do anything about it.

It is very strange that Russia and Putin personally plays such a large role in America’s domestic politics.

Meanwhile, Trump himself is saying he doesn’t want another debate.


Former US President Donald Trump has criticized the “dishonest” moderation of his debate with Vice President Kamala Harris by ABC News, saying he would only consider a rematch if it were hosted by “a fair network.”

Speaking to Fox’s Sean Hannity immediately after Tuesday night’s debate, Trump claimed that he emerged from the encounter as the victor. Informed by Hannity that Harris reportedly wants a second debate, Trump seemed dismissive of the idea.

“She wants it because she lost,” Trump told Hannity. “You know what happens when you’re a prizefighter and you lose, you immediately want a new fight… maybe if it was on a fair network I would do that.”

Harris is widely considered to have won the debate, with Trump struggling to fend off attacks from the vice president, as well as moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis. According to a flash poll conducted by CNN on Tuesday night, 63% of viewers felt that Harris had outperformed Trump.

I found the debate entertaining.

I would watch a second one.