Russia Commissioning Telepathic Super Soldiers

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 4, 2019

It was always going to come down to this.


If you want to delve into the paranormal, here’s a reason for you to enlist in the Russian Army – an MoD magazine says some troops are taught to crack safes, evade ambushes and burn computer chips using… telepathic powers.

What is the Russian Army’s best-nurtured superpower? Don’t even think of Spetsnaz or nuclear subs, or EMP weapons, because ‘Armeisky Sbornik’ (‘Army Digest’ in English) has got something bigger to tell. The magazine, run by the Defense Ministry, claims the military is very much into parapsychology, which studies strange things like telepathy, precognition, near-death experiences or reincarnation.

Back in the late 1980s, the Soviet military began developing what the offbeat piece – entitled “A super-soldier for future wars’ – calls ‘metacontact,’ in other words, a kind of telepathic power that can make a foot soldier into a superhero.

Such a warrior, it insists, is able to use his brain power “to burn chips in generators, eavesdrop on conversations or disrupt telecommunications, including television and radio waves.” More than that, believe it or not, the military have been experimenting with miscellaneous linguistic skills. A telepath had reportedly managed to read a file locked in a safe that was “written in a language he didn’t speak.”

Other features of the superpower had apparent military applications, the magazine reveals. The telepathic contact may help troops to evade ambushes, detect hideouts and treat those wounded in action. It is also indispensable while carrying out “a non-verbal interrogation” of an enemy soldier.

The interrogator would know “what kind of person he is, what strengths or weaknesses he has, and whether he is good for recruiting.” Ripping an enemy’s mind wide open “is 100 percent credible, you can’t wriggle out of it,” the article claims.


Russians actually believe this is real.

And they’re not stupid people. They have a history of cultural and technological innovation that matches most other top European states, and they are the only nation other than the US to ever reach “superpower” status. Despite the memes of poverty in the USSR, they actually held off the US for a really long time. And the poverty was actually literally on purpose.

They won every single marker of the space race before the Americans magically put people on the Moon in this ship:

And then launched that ship off of the Moon and docked it in a rocket that was moving though the Moon’s orbit at 4,000 miles per hour.

Russians definitely think differently and are a lot more open minded about the supernatural and various other topics that are consider out of bounds for the “rational” Western man.

And I’m not really sure that’s a disadvantage in the Age of Weirdness.

Refusal to even entertain ideas that are considered irrational is definitely a limiting factor, but the theory is that it’s a practical limiting factor that causes one to avoid wasting time on things like training telepathic super soldiers.

My only request is that they get a few of those Siberian snow-gooks in the program.

But I haven’t seen anything to tell me that telepathy doesn’t exist.

In fact, I’ve seen a lot indicating that it does exist.

That kike Richard Wiseman couldn’t disprove Rupert Sheldrake’s studies on psychic animals.

It’s all really Jews pushing this “rationalism” and “skeptic” bit.

There is literally no reason why telepathic powers would not be a thing.

And if this phenomenon exists, that means that it would be possible to train telepathic super soldiers.

I really support this and I hope that Andrew Yang will endorse it.