Russia Confronts Obama on Syrian Invasion

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 30, 2016


Obama’s initiative to bring tens of thousands of Syrians into the United States hinges on one thing: invading Syria.

Russia is all like “yo is you playin, nigga?”


Moscow has voiced concerns over the landing of 150 US soldiers in Rumeilan, northeastern Syria, without the consent of the Syrian government, calling it a “violation of the country’s sovereignty.”

“Speaking from the position of the Foreign Ministry, we can’t help but be concerned about the fact that such actions are being carried out by the US without the consent of the legitimate government of the Syrian Arab Republic,” Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told TASS.

“It is a violation of sovereignty,” he said. “I emphasize that a similar political assessment has already been given by official Damascus, and we express our full solidarity with it,” the Russian diplomat said.

It’s funny. The American media has a full blackout on the fact that when the US says they’re going to fight ISIS, they are actually violating international law by invading a sovereign nation against the will of its legal ruler, who is Bashir al-Assad.

Note that Assad was initially okay with the US bombing ISIS, but then came out and said they were lying and not actually bombing ISIS. Russian intelligence also found that they were just bombing random spots in the desert instead of ISIS.

On Monday, US President Barack Obama confirmed plans to increase American troop presence in Syria by deploying an additional 250 personnel, bringing the total to 300. He said the troops would help drive out the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorist group.

On Wednesday, about 150 US soldiers arrived in the Kurdish-controlled town of Rumeilan in northeastern Syria, according to a report on Thursday by the SANA news agency. A source said part of the contingent immediately headed to the north of Raqqa province.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry reacted negatively.

“This intervention is rejected and illegitimate, and it happened without the Syrian government’s approval,” SANA quoted a source at the ministry as saying. The source added it was a “blatant act of aggression that constitutes a dangerous intervention and a gross violation of Syrian sovereignty.”

As a truce was proclaimed in the country in late February, airstrikes against terror targets by Russia and the US-led coalition did not stop. But after President Vladimir Putin ordered the start of the withdrawal of Russian forces from Syria last month, the coalition did not stop its activities.

This is, of course, just the beginning.

They will progressively escalate the number of troops in Syria as they continue to work to take down Assad and aggravate Russia.