Russia Expels British Diplomats in Response to Britain Expelling Russian Diplomats

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 16, 2018

Britain did this to Russia before, in 1985. That was the Cold War.

I think this situation now is significantly more serious than the Cold War, although the fact of that has not settled in yet.

Basically, everyone in the world knows that Donald Trump wants to align with Russia, and everything that happens is about keeping that from happening.

During the Cold War, there was never a threat of peaceful, mutually beneficial resolution, and that is a option that Jews simply will not tolerate.

Washington Post:

Moscow will expel British diplomats in retaliation for a similar move made by London earlier this week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Friday, without specifying how many or any other measures in the deepening crisis between the two countries.

Asked by a journalist at a press conference if Russia would kick out British diplomats, Lavrov said simply “of course, we will.”

The confirmation comes as part of a delayed and still unfolding response to a variety of coordinated Western measures against Moscow following the poisoning of a former Russian spy in Britain last week. The spy, 66-year-old Sergei Skripal and his 33-year-old daughter Yulia were poisoned with a nerve agent identified by British authorities as one made only by Russia.

Russia has been coy about its potential responses since Wednesday, when British Prime Minister Theresa May announced the expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats in London believed to be part of Russia’s intelligence network there. There has been much talk in Moscow of imminent and decisive responses, but so far nothing of substance has taken place.

The government has also been vague about its response to Washington’s expansion of sanctions against Russian individuals believed to have played a role in alleged cyber attacks and attempts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Friday Moscow’s would expand its own “black list” of Americans, adding that additional measures had not yet been ruled out. “Those [American] politicians are playing with fire,” he said.

This is a gigantic hoax, this nerve gas poisoning.

There is just no way that this was not done by some foreign intelligence agency. I said this, and then yesterday Russia itself said it: who benefits?

There’s also of course the possibility that it was some other Russian living in Britain that has a beef with this guy. But even that seems very unlikely, given the timing.

“We need to escalate tensions with Russia… ah, oh good, a Russian was just poisoned on our soil, coincidentally” is very, very hard to believe.

Occam’s Razor says false flag.

Jeremy Corbyn is questioning it, as is Emmanuel Macron, but Nimrata Randhawa is on board, and minutes before his firing, Rex Tillerson said he believes the hoax.

Ultimately, it’s just another brick in the wall. It’s not a game-changer, but just yet another step in escalation that makes a big event that will kick off a war that much more likely.

In Trump we trust.