Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 1, 2014
It’s happening.

Tsar Putin sought approval from parliament for an invasion of the Ukraine, and he has been approved.
Literally, every single member of parliament that was present – 90 people – voted in favor of the invasion. Because that is how a real country works. People understand necessity, regardless of arbitrary political differences.
The invasion has already begun.
The Kremlin has stated that troops will remain in the Ukraine until the “political-social situation in the country is normalized.”

The invasion appears to be solely for the purpose of annexing Crimea, though I am personally hoping the tanks are sent into Kiev and all of these usurpers are put down like rabid dogs. The authorization granted by parliament, while citing Crimea, allows for deployment of troops anywhere in the Ukrainian Territory.

At the session wherein the vote was taken, Deputy Speaker Yury Vorobyov said that the US paid for the training of the revolutionaries in Kiev in Poland and Latvia. I don’t know that this has been publicly proven yet, but it is certainly not surprising. I originally had thought that it would come out that many of the terrorist forces were foreigners, a la Syria, but we haven’t heard that.
Save for the Israeli IDF agents that were running things.

JTA gave us more on that whole situation yesterday, interviewing one of the Jews running a terror cell. Hilariously enough, this subversive Jew who wore a yarmulke under his battle helmet was taking orders from Svoboda.
Delta, a Ukraine-born former soldier in the Israel Defense Forces, spoke to JTA Thursday on condition of anonymity. He explained how he came to use combat skills he acquired in the Shu’alei Shimshon reconnaissance battalion of the Givati infantry brigade to rise through the ranks of Kiev’s street fighters. He has headed a force of 40 men and women — including several fellow IDF veterans — in violent clashes with government forces.
As platoon leader, Delta says he takes orders from activists connected to Svoboda, an ultra-nationalist party that has been frequently accused of anti-Semitism and whose members have been said to have had key positions in organizing the opposition protests.
“I don’t belong [to Svoboda], but I take orders from their team. They know I’m Israeli, Jewish and an ex-IDF soldier. They call me ‘brother,’” he said. “What they’re saying about Svoboda is exaggerated, I know this for a fact. I don’t like them because they’re inconsistent, not because of [any] anti-Semitism issue.”
Another Deputy Speaker, Yevgeny Bushmin, claimed that 143,000 people had fled to Russia from the Ukraine since the revolution began in November. Though these numbers have not been independently confirmed, it is clear that the anti-Russian sentiment is going to lead to pogroms if they are not rescued from the new Jewish leaders of the Ukraine.
Obama, in his typically threatening manner, said before the invasion that “there will be costs.”
What type of costs, Monkeyman?
Oh, I see now that the UN Security Council just declared an emergency meeting.
This is the start of something very big, which will not end quickly.
Is it not intensely exciting?

The time has come.