Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 9, 2015

Russia came out and joked about CNN’s recent claims that Russia had tried to hack the White House.
Blaming Russia for everything has recently become a sport, Vladimir Putin’s spokesman said in response to a detailed CNN report that claimed to show how “Russian hackers” had hit White House systems in recent months.
“In regard to CNN’s sources, I don’t know who their sources are,” Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. “We know that blaming everything on Russia has already turned into some sort of sport.”
“But what’s most important is that they aren’t looking for any submarines in the Potomac River like has been seen in other countries,” he added ironically, apparently referring to the Swedish hunt for an alleged Russian submarine in October 2014.
The Kremlin’s website, as well as the officiate site of the Russian President, face hundreds and even thousands of cyberattacks every day, said Putin’s spokesman, adding that there were attempts to crash Putin’s annual Q&A.
“The attempts to crash the Q&A – you know it’s a rather complex telecommunications event – are performed mostly from abroad.”
Earlier, CNN released a story where the channel wrote how Washington thinks “Russians hacked the White House” back in 2014.
What would even be the point of hacking the White House? What these people are up to is transparent.

The only thing that is worthwhile, as far as hacking goes, is monitoring telephone conversations so you can release the tapes. Otherwise, it isn’t really hard to see what is happening. I can’t imagine that access to all the secret files of the government would give me a better understanding of geopolitics than I have right now.