Russia: Moslem Opens Fire at Church in Dagestan, Killing 4

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 19, 2018

Everywhere there are Moslems, there are problems.

Very specific problems involving random people being murdered on a mass scale for religious reasons.


A gunman has killed four women and injured three others, including police officers, at a folk festival in the Russian republic of Dagestan, according to local sources.

A man armed with a hunting rifle gunned down churchgoers in the city of Kizlyar, according to the Associated Press, and reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar!” as he opened fire.

Kizlyar’s mayor Alexander Shuvalov told Russian media the gunman opened fire as people were leaving a Sunday evening service at a local Orthodox church.

“Four people were killed. The shooter was shot dead. Two police officers and a woman were wounded,” he said.

Sky News reports that the injured woman later died from her injuries.

It’s never a good idea to live around Moslems.

These people of course don’t have much of a choice.

But in the West, we are actually bringing these people in to live next to us.

Why are we doing that?