Russia Moves to Remove Microsoft, Replace It with Russian Software

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 3, 2016


I’m not even sure this story is true, at least in the sense that Russia is seriously trying to cleanse itself of all M$ products, as I don’t even think that is possible.

But if it is, it’s a great plan. Microsoft makes crap products.

NBC News:

In his battle with the United States, Vladimir Putin has a new target — Microsoft.

The Kremlin is backing a plan to rid government offices and state-controlled companies of all foreign software, starting with Moscow city government replacing Microsoft products with Russian ones, according to a senior U.S. intelligence official.

The Russians have also moved toward blocking LinkedIn, the U.S.-based networking site that Microsoft is in the process of buying. The company is appealing an injunction, with a decision expected Nov. 10.

The intelligence official said Putin is going after Microsoft because it is the biggest American name in information technology and because it’s easy to convince Russians that the company works with the U.S. intelligence community.

lol @ “convince.”

Does he maybe mean “demonstrate the fact”?

It’s been mainstream news since 2013 that Microsoft was openly colluding with intelligence agencies, giving them unlimited access to encrypted messages and backdoor access. claims that no company has been as cooperative with the NSA as Microsoft.

So there isn’t any need to “convince” Russians that the company does this – you just have to show them mainstream news articles documenting it.

Russia is also bracing for the U.S. to retaliate for months of hacking attacks that Washington says were authorized by Putin and designed to influence the American electoral process.

“They are obviously stepping up their game,” Fiona Hill, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.

“It is a signal that the Russians really mean business now about nationalizing the internet and making sure they can create their own secure content.”

Microsoft told NBC News it doesn’t collaborate with the government on any spying.

“We don’t spy on anyone. We don’t work with any government to spy on others, and we never would,” said Dominic Carr, Microsoft’s general manager for public affairs.



Trust us, goyim.

Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said he’s not surprised Russia is singling out Microsoft since Russia’s relationship with the U.S. is at “the lowest ebb since the end of the Cold War.”

“Putin as an old KGB officer views the world as a zero-sum game between Russia and the U.S.,” he said. “Whatever is good for the U.S. is bad for Russia and vice versa.”

(((Adam Schiff))) the lying kike terrorist.

Donald Trump is good for both countries.

Donald Trump will liberate the earth.