Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 24, 2014

Russia, in yet another bold move toward re-establishing a civil, Christian society, is moving to ban profanity from television and film and from being spewed on the streets. The lower house of the Russian parliament has passed the bill, and it is moving forward.
The measure would impose fines for swearing in films, plays, concerts and shows, the Itar-Tass news agency reports. In addition, members of the public could face penalties of up to 2,500 roubles (£42; $70) for swearing in public and officials would have to pay double.
The bill says a panel of experts will decide exactly what counts as a swear word. If the measure is approved by the upper house, it will be signed into law by President Vladimir Putin and take effect on 1 July 2014.
Earlier, the private TVC channel caused a stir by beeping out a word in the classic 1979 Soviet film Garage. The word “hrenovina” – a colourful expression for nonsense – was deemed too offensive for broadcast. But the film’s director, Eldar Ryazanov, called the censorship “an act of idiocy”.
Like most (read: all) people in my generation in America, I grew up hearing and using profanity most always. However, we should recognize that the excessive use of swear words simply vulgarizes our society in a very Jewish manner.
Profanity serves a purpose, but using it constantly is gross and uncivilized. Look at the language of the blacks – it is almost all profanity. When we use it in that fashion, we are dragging ourselves to their level.
Of course, the Alex Jones crowd would shout “muh freedoms,” but the public use of profanity was never considered part of freedom of speech in pre-Judaic America.
It was the Jew Lenny Bruce who first broke our own public obscenity laws in America, and forced its acceptance in the larger whole of society.

I am reminded of the time that the Jew Adam Kokesh went to a town that had banned the public use of profanity and spewed curses in their town center as a publicity stunt to hype his Bolshevist Jew “freedom” agenda:
Do you want to be like that Jew? Invading people’s personal space and forcing children to listen to your dirty mouth?