Russia Reopens Investigation into Jewish Slaughter of the Romanov Family

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 24, 2015

Just like everything else: Jews did it.
Just like everything else: Jews did it.

More good news, people.


Russian investigators have exhumed the remains of the last tsar and his wife, as they re-examine their 1918 murders.

Samples were taken from Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra, and from the bloodstained uniform of Alexander II, Nicholas’s grandfather, killed in 1881.

The Romanov family members, who were killed by revolutionary Bolsheviks, are buried at a St Petersburg cathedral.

The Orthodox Church wants to confirm family links before other relatives can be reburied with them.

The long-running murder case had been closed in 1998, after DNA tests authenticated the Romanov remains found in a mass grave in the Urals in 1991.

But the DNA tests did not convince some Russian Orthodox Church members, because the remains of two – Tsarevich Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria – were found only in 2007, at a different spot in the Urals.

The Investigative Committee, a state body, says new checks are needed in order to authenticate the remains of those two.

Russia plans to rebury Alexei and Maria alongside the rest of the family in St Petersburg’s Peter and Paul Cathedral. But for that to happen the Church wants to be certain about the remains.

It isn’t a question of if Jews did it, just which Jews did it and how.


The Russian Imperial Romanov family (Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Tsarina Alexandra and their five children Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei) and all those who chose to accompany them into exile – notably Eugene Botkin, Anna Demidova, Alexei Trupp and Ivan Kharitonov – were shot in Yekaterinburg on 17 July 1918. The Tsar and his family were executed by Bolsheviks led by Yakov Yurovsky under the orders of the Ural Soviet. Some historians attribute the order to the government in Moscow, specifically Vladimir Lenin and Yakov Sverdlov, who wished to prevent the rescue of the Imperial Family by approaching White forces during the ongoing Russian Civil War. This is supported by a passage in Leon Trotsky’s diary. However, a recent investigation led by V. N. Solovyov concluded that there is no document that indicates that either Lenin or Sverdlov were responsible.

Yurovsky, Lenin, Sverdlov and Trotsky were all Jews.

Ideology and plan via Marx. Who was a Jew.

Goyim, I...
Goyim, I…

Almost a sick joke, really. The Bolsheviks didn’t even bother finding any token goy to join in their revolution.

Recently, there has been talk by politicians in Russia of reinstating the Romanov’s as the royal family. This is probably going to happen.

It doesn’t really matter which Jews did it, ultimately, but this new investigation is great news, in that it is going to make the whole subject of Jews slaughtering and/or manipulating Whites and taking over their governments a subject of discussion.

Putin has himself said that the Bolsheviks were Jews.

Now he is pitting Russian forces directly against Israel in Syria, the same week this announcement of a new investigation is made.
