Russia Says if NATO Wants to Pop-Off They Can Pop-Off, But WWIII Won’t be Fought on Russian Soil

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 14, 2016


NATO on the march in Estonia

Russia has finally had enough, and is now reacting with very direct speech to the ongoing threats from US Monkey Chief and the Jew-NATO alliance.

Of course, these statements aren’t going to be reported in the Western media, outside of Spiegel itself.

Americans and the British and for the most part mainland Europeans are only vaguely aware of the NATO attempt to start a World War with Russia. Hearing Russia say “if you start a war, we are going to invade Europe,” would presumably make the people put pressure on their governments to stop supporting this entirely insane agenda.

The statements come from Sergey Karaganov, the leading Russian intellectual.

Sergey Karaganov

Sergey Karaganov

One can basically read them as coming from the Kremlin itself. Whereas NATO brings the top monkey to Poland to give a speech threatening invasion of Russia as he moves thousands of troops to the border, Russians prefer to do things more subtly. It’s part of their national character.

NOTE: One may wish to read Karaganov’s Wikipedia page to get an idea of where these statements are coming from, if you don’t already know who he is.


Russia has zero trust in NATO and believes that the alliance is preparing to go to war against it, a leading Russian foreign policy expert told ‘Spiegel’, while warning that, if it comes to a new big conflict, Moscow won’t fight it on its own soil.

In an interview with the German magazine, Sergey Karaganov, a veteran political scientist and member of the influential Foreign Policy and Defense Council of the Russia Foreign Ministry, said in bold terms that the risk of a new shooting war in Europe has been on the rise for a decade and is now as high as it was at the height of the Cold War.

The abundance of propaganda coming from both sides attests to the dangerous state of the crisis, Karaganov said.

“The Russian media is more reserved than Western media. Though you have to understand that Russia is very sensitive about defense. We have to be prepared for everything. That is the source of this occasionally massive amount of propaganda,” he said. “But what is the West doing? It is doing nothing but vilifying Russia; it believes that we are threatening to attack. The situation is comparable to the crisis at the end of the 1970s and beginning of the 1980s.

The expert was referring to a massive build-up of intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Europe that could have easily led to an unintended nuclear war. The missiles had a very short approach time that left almost no time for an attacked side to react, making automatic retaliation the only possible reaction to a decapitating nuclear barrage. The situation was defused by a ban on intermediate-range missiles signed in 1987.

The current buildup of NATO forces on Russia’s border is not unlike the installation of Pershing and SS-20 missiles three decades ago, at least in terms of the misguided justification for deploying them, Karaganov said.

Fears in countries like Poland, Lithuania and Latvia are to be allayed by NATO stationing weapons there. But that doesn’t help them; we interpret that as a provocation. In a crisis, we will destroy exactly these weapons. Russia will never again fight on its own territory,” he said.

How this isn’t obvious to the Baltic people, I have no idea. Nothing is ever obvious to the Poles or Ukrainians.

All they are doing is making themselves not only a target for invasion, but a target for serious aerial bombardment and mass civilian casualties.

The help offered by NATO is not symbolic help for the Baltic states. It is a provocation. If NATO initiates an encroachment – against a nuclear power like ourselves – it will be punished,” he stressed.

Part of the problem is the breakdown in communications, as evidenced by the work – or lack thereof – of the NATO-Russia Council, which was created to resolve differences between the alliance and Russia, but is “no longer a legitimate body,” according to Karaganov.

NATO has become a qualitatively different alliance. When we began the dialogue with NATO, it was a defensive alliance of democratic powers. But then, the NATO-Russia Council served as cover for and the legalization of NATO expansion. When we really needed it – in 2008 and 2014 – it wasn’t there,” he said referring to Russia’s most recent major security crises – Georgia’s attack on South Ossetia and the violent coup in Ukraine.

The enmity between Russia and Europe hurts both parties in other ways as well, the expert said. After decades of careless life, Europe has forgotten how to engage in realpolitik, unlike Russia, Karaganov says, meaning that Europe loses out on Russia’s help on issues such as the refugee crisis, which Moscow is unlikely to offer in the face of the confrontation.

In Europe, you have a different political system, one that is unable to adapt to the challenges of the new world. The German chancellor said that our president lives in a different world. I believe he lives in a very real world,” Karaganov said.

“We believe that Russia is morally in the right. There won’t be any fundamental concessions coming from our side,” he said. “Psychologically, Russia has now become a Eurasian power – I was one of the intellectual fathers of the eastward pivot. But now I am of the opinion that we shouldn’t turn away from Europe. We have to find ways to revitalize our relations.”

Another way of looking at this is that Russia is the last remnant of Old Europe, in that they still have European values and – much more importantly, in the long run – an ethnic European population at the core of their social and political order.

The more I think about it, the more I believe that it is actually impossible for the West to win a war against Russia. I can’t say it with certainty, but the will of the West to fight is very, very low. The will in Russia is extremely high.

It is also simply assumed that NATO has vastly superior technology to Russia, but there isn’t really any sort of definitive proof to back-up this belief. It seems to me very possible that Russia has, under Vladimir Putin, spent the last two decades secretly developing new weapons systems. They have unveiled some weapons in Syria that were not publicly known to exist.

Of course, if Russia has advanced weapons, one would hope that Western intelligence is aware of them. Weapons development is a massive project involving tens of thousands of people, where there could be all sorts of leaks. But maybe Western intelligence has dropped-off like everything else in the West over the last decades. I don’t know.

The thing is, even if these advanced systems do exist in Russia, and the West is aware of these systems, they would still be acting in the same aggressive manner. Because they are not paying attention to the public factors involved – so why would they be paying attention to intelligence reports on weapons systems?

NATO was set up to fight a war with Russia and that’s what it wants to do.


All four of these men are partial Jews. A Nazi army funded by the US State Department and the EU fought to get them into power.

The Soros-Maidan revolution was setup for the express purpose of initiating conflict with Russia. There was very little to gain financially from this insane coup. They knew Russia would be forced to respond in exactly the manner that they did, which was by annexing/reclaiming territories with majority ethnic Russian populations. Karaganov himself was writing about the fact that this would probably be necessary at some point a decade before it happened. NATO also understood the strategy following the 2008 situation in Georgia. It was all a setup to give a moral pretext to this new cold war – “we are doing it to protect the honor of the Ukrainian people.”

The thing is, all Western European states – and America – are now on the brink of internal race war, as well as a full-on collapse of society due to all of these various social engineering programs. You also have a right-wing in Europe – and now in America, with the Trump revolution – that is pro-Russia.


Germany is inches away from a full-on intifada. Meanwhile, only 9% of the population supports the governments aggression against Russia. How are they going to manage this war without an internal collapse? 

So, you would have the element of society with the strongest will – the right-wing – wishing to collaborate with Russia, while you would have those opposed to Russia continuing to attempt to collaborate with an invading non-White force which would be waging an internal war against the state that is supporting them.

While at first glance, yes, Russia certainly appears to be the weaker power, virtually every additional factor one considers works in Russia’s favor.

At this point, it seems to me that a NATO-Russia war is the only thing that could save the West from total self-destruction.

That is, if Donald Trump loses.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a veteran's rally in Des Moines

This is your last chance, America. Choose wisely.