Daily Stormer
May 21, 2014

In another step towards creating an autonomous Eurasian economic region, Vladimir Putin has finalized a new energy partnership that will see billions of dollars worth of Russian natural gas go to China.
From AFP:
The long-awaited agreement is a political triumph for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is courting partners in Asia as those in Europe and the United States seek to isolate him over Moscow’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula.
The deal, which has been negotiated for about a decade, will directly link Russia’s huge gas fields to Asia’s booming market for the first time – via thousands of miles of new pipeline across Siberia that form part of the package.
“This is the biggest contract in the history of the gas sector of the former USSR,” said Putin, after the agreement was signed in Shanghai between state-controlled entities Gazprom and China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC).
“Through mutual compromise we managed to reach not only acceptable, but rather satisfactory, terms on this contract for both sides. Both sides were in the end pleased by the compromise reached on price and other terms,” Putin said.