Russia Still Trying to be Open and Friendly with Trump, Despite Everything

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 3, 2018

The Russians are true gentlemen.


Maybe “gentleman” wouldn’t be the word I would use to describe the average Russian male.

BUT that does definitely describe their leadership’s approach to international relations and foreign policy.

Maximum gentleman.


Russia welcomes Donald Trump’s desire to engage with Moscow regarding an arms race and other global challenges, but the US leader’s deeds must match his words, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.

“We have repeatedly stated that we positively assess President Donald Trump’s desire to establish normal dialogue between our countries,” Lavrov told Italy’s Panorama magazine on Thursday. He added, however, that US desire for dialogue would be judged on its “practical steps.”

The top diplomat noted that relations between the US and Russia are continuing to deteriorate at present. “Even if there is some positive input from the president, it is being reversed by Russophobic sentiments soaring in the US establishment,” Lavrov said.

It is very encouraging that the Russians continue to draw a distinction between Trump and the (((US establishment))).

The reason it is encouraging is it means that such a distinction still exists, because the Russians are holding out hope that they can still get this guy to do something sane while being surrounded by these madmen.

In the meantime, the two leaders have managed to establish personal contact. Lavrov said that Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke by phone in early March, when the American leader proposing holding “a high-level meeting very soon.” Apart from inviting Putin to the White House, Trump spoke about “his desire to establish coordination of efforts in the international arena, to jointly curb the arms race.”

Lavrov said that the dire state of US-Russia relations has had a negative impact on moves to address pressing international challenges, which required shared efforts by the two powers. He expressed hope that “common sense” would prevail in Washington.

However, while Russia “would like to establish decent, predictable, and, if you wish, friendly relations with the US,” it will never compromise its principles and national interests, he added.

Lavrov said international politics is becoming “tenser and less predictable” because the US, along with several other Western countries “brought to heel” by the Americans, are trying to preserve “medieval-like domination in world affairs.” He accused them of fanning conflict, stirring mistrust and uncertainty, as well as freezing communication channels, adding that these governments “create situations in which the price of a bluff or a mistake can have global [consequences].”

You see these statements from the Russians and you’re just like “well, that certainly sounds very reasonable to me,” then you see the Americans and you’re like “wow these people are a bunch of unhinged goddamn lunatics.”

I don’t see how any rational person could be observing the last 5 or so years and come to any conclusion other than that.

I think that Trump clearly – clearly – understands the lunacy of the whole situation. More than anyone really, what with the whole conspiracy he was accused of being a part of.

Yet he is allowing himself to be bullied and puppeteered.

And it no longer looks like chess.

It looks like he is breaking under all kinds of different pressures, from the Mueller stuff to the sex scandal stuff to this new Michael Cohen stuff, and he knows that going along with certain elements of the lunatic “Evil Russia” narrative is the easiest way to relieve some of that pressure.

The fact that he understands that means necessarily that he understands Jews.

It’s a real shame he can’t just say “I’m 71-years-old, my legacy is more important than the time I’ve got left on earth, let’s just do this thing” and just start making real serious moves to fix the Jewish problem.

I still hold out hope that he might eventually hit the “fuck it” point.