Russia Tells UK to Present Evidence for Their Theories or Stfu

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 19, 2018

We already have a year and a half devoted to finding the evidence for the Russian hacking conspiracy.

I guess we can go ahead and spend another year and a half looking for evidence for the Russian poisoning conspiracy before we decide to just give up and admit that Russia is being consistently scapegoated by hoaxes.


The UK will either back up its claims of Moscow’s involvement in the poisoning of ex-double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, or it will have to apologize, the Kremlin spokesman has said.

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Monday that Russia is wrong to deny responsibility for the nerve agent poisoning of Skripal. “The Russian denial is increasingly absurd,” Johnson told reporters in Brussels. “This is a classic Russian strategy… they’re not fooling anybody anymore,” he added.

It could be you who isn’t fooling anyone anymore, friend.

Anyone who blames Russia for anything without any kind of evidence has about as much credibility as David Hogg at this point.

Peskov pulled no punches in fighting back, accusing the UK of “incomprehensible, unreasonable slander” against Moscow.

“Sooner or later, it will have to account for these baseless allegations, either by backing them up with evidence or by offering its apologies,”the Russian president’s spokesman said.

Last Monday, British Prime Minister Theresa May confronted Moscow with an ultimatum to reveal the details of the alleged Skripal plot. After her demand was rejected, the UK announced sanctions on Moscow, which included expelling 23 diplomats, limiting diplomatic ties and freezing Russian state assets in the UK.

In response, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday that 23 UK diplomats must leave Russia and that the British Council will be shut in retaliation for “provocative actions and groundless accusations” over the poisoning of Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

Obviously Russia isn’t doing anything.

But even if they were – what motivation do the people of the West have to resist them?

What are we fighting for?

Mass brown immigration and man-on-man anal sex being taught to 5-year-olds? Are we fighting for tranny bathrooms? No-fault divorce?

Certainly, no one can at this point claim we’re fighting for freedom. And all of the rest of the identifying elements of our society appeal only to minority groups.

I just can’t see the point.