Russian Ambassador to Turkey Assassinated in Turkey!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 19, 2016

(Warning: Intense video)

Serious diplomatic incident!


The Russian ambassador to Turkey has died after being shot by a gunman in Ankara, where he was attending a photo exhibition, the Russian Foreign Ministry has confirmed.

“An unknown person opened fire during a public event in Ankara. As a result, the Russian ambassador to Turkey received a gunshot wound,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova told journalists earlier.

The ambassador, Andrey Karlov, was injured after he was about to deliver a speech on the opening of the exhibition “Russia in the eyes of Turks.”

Photos purportedly showing the perpetrator bearing a firearm are now increasingly circulating on social media. Users are also posting pictures which they say show the Russian ambassador lying on the ground after having been shot.

The perpetrator, who was wearing a suit and a tie, shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ (‘God is great’ in Arabic) during the attack, AP reports, citing their own photographer.

The attacker also said several words in Russian, according to the news agency, and damaged several of the photos at the expo.

Turkish NTV broadcaster says that three other people were also injured in the attack on the ambassador.

The attacker has been killed by Turkish Special Forces, Turkish Anadolu news agency reports. Russian Interfax, citing a source in the Turkish military, also confirms that the gunman was neutralized.

Hurriyet newspaper, citing their own reporter, says that the perpetrator also fired warning shots in the air before targeting Karlov.

The attacker reportedly identified himself as a police officer as he entered the exhibition, a Turkish military source told Interfax.

“We have information, from one of the witnesses, that the attacker presented himself as a police officer, showing the relevant ID at the entrance. This information is being checked right now,” the source is quoted as saying.

John Kirby has condemned the incident, though I’m not sure why.

The Obama regime has been trying to stop Russia from taking down ISIS for over a year. You would think they would voice their approval for this assassination.

But maybe they are just a bunch of shifty-eyed liars.

The guy assassin doesn’t appear to be an Arab and it is weird he is speaking Russian. He doesn’t look Chechen either. He looks like a Turk.

I guess we’ll find out soon enough.