Russian Diplomat: US Election Full of Pussies

Daily Stormer
October 13, 2016

Sergey Lavrov

In Russia, they try to keep their elections pussy-free.

Someone really needs to do something about this whole pussy problem we’ve got going on in the west.

It’s bloody embarrassing.

Washington Post:

“English is not my mother tongue; I don’t know whether this may sound decent,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov began, as though channeling an overwhelmed exchange student. He had been asked what he thought about Donald Trump’s “Pussy” moment. Well, actually, he had been asked about Trump’s “Pussy Riot” moment.

It was a trap. The trepidation was fake.

“There are so many pussies around your campaign on both sides that I would prefer not to comment,” Lavrov concluded in a grave deadpan.



Such is 2016, not the first year the word “pussy” entered the elections (Hi, Clint Eastwood) but certainly the first time it has dominated multiple news cycles. Call Wednesday’s remarks Moscow’s most pointed commentary yet on this raucous U.S. election cycle (never mind the hacking).

Yeah, I wonder why that is, huh?

Why is it that the (((media))) is focusing on pussies, rather than on the issues?

Maybe that’s because the issues are:

  • Hillary wants to start a nuclear war with Russia to protect ISIS.
  • Hillary is a reckless criminal who spent her entire career taking bribes.
  • Hillary wants to open the borders and outsource what’s left of the US economy to China and Mexico.
  • Hillary wants to let unlimited ISIS refugees come into the US to blow us up.


Don’t think about the issues! Look! A dancing unicorn!

“Oh my goodness, I wasn’t expecting that,” Christiane Amanpour, chief international correspondent for CNN, said with a laugh. Lavrov, the veteran Russian diplomat “fond of cigars, whiskey and outfoxing the U.S.,” as the New York Times once put it, chuckled. Russia’s embassy in Washington, or whatever verified being runs that account, promptly tweeted it out.


Russian embassy: DGAF.

So I guess it’s the official Russian policy now, that America’s political class is full of pussies. They already demonstrated it time and time again in the recent past, so it’s not exactly controversial by this point. In fact, that’s Trump’s policy as well.

Both the Republican and Democratic party are full of weaklings and traitors, ready to sacrifice whatever principles they pretend to uphold at the first sign of trouble.

We need to fix this embarrassment, and soon.