Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 2, 2015
I had always hoped that in my life I would never have to write the headline I just wrote. But there. It has happened.

The Russian government’s international media outlet, Sputnik, has written an article attacking me for supporting The Donald.
They write:
The derogatory comments have clearly done damage, but there’s one demographic that’s totally on Trump’s side.
“I do not believe he would solve all or even most of the problems we are facing, but he is absolutely the only candidate who is even talking about anything at all that matters,” wrote Andrew Anglin for the website The Daily Stormer.
This is the same site that recently ran a story entitled “White Fortresses #1: Our People Make the World Go Round, Not Money,” and has also published a 5-part special called “Positive Christianity in the Third Reich.”
It’s a pretty racist bunch, just to be clear, and it loves Trump precisely because of his immigration comments.
I have no idea how this makes any sense whatsoever.
How are my views on Donald Trump any business of the government of Russia? Is the government of Russia aware that their media outlets are publishing this type of derogatory material about me and Donald Trump?
Other liberal media outlets, such as Raw Story, are attacking me for supporting Trump – or, more accurately, attacking Trump because I am supporting him – but why the Russian government?
Trump would be very good for our relations with Russia, whereas the alternatives, Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, would be very bad for our relations with Russia.
I have for a long time been concerned about RT not really doing a very good job supporting the interests of Russia, and this new Sputnik is even worse. What these people write bears no resemblance to the official positions of the Russian government, which is a conservative government.
If the Russian government is going to run a media outlet, it should support the interests of Russia. I can understand that RT and Sputnik rattle on about alleged racism in America, because that sows social unrest which is part of their agenda to destabilize their enemies. That is there prerogative, so – whatever. It’s not my business.
But why attack Donald Trump, the one person who is willing to deal with Russia?
And why attack me, one of the only media outlets which supports Russia?
Mr. Putin: get a hold of your English language news outlets. This is embarrassing for the both of us.