Russian Lawmaker Calls Out Opposition Jews for Ancestors Boiling Christians in Cauldrons

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 15, 2017

The facts are anti-Semitic!

Jerusalem Post:

A Russian lawmaker in President Vladimir Putin’s party said the ancestors of two Jewish opposition politicians had killed Christians.

“Christians survived despite the fact that the ancestors of Boris Vishnevsky and Maksim Reznik boiled us in cauldrons and fed us to animals,” Vitaly Milonov said Sunday, according to Agence France-Presse.

Jewish groups and leaders condemned Milonov’s statement.

“For a State Duma deputy, it is unacceptable to make such irresponsible statements,” said Rabbi Boruch Gorin, the spokesman for the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, AFP reported.

The president of the Russian Jewish Congress told AFP that it was “clear to any normal person that these lawmakers are of Jewish descent and that he means Jews.”

Yeah, but is it true though?

Isn’t that the question?

The National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry, an American nonprofit advocating for Jews in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, urged the Russian government to condemn the remarks.

“Milonov’s rhetoric invokes dangerous antisemitic hatred that has historically been used to justify widespread violence against Jews in Russia,” the group said Monday in a statement. “NCSEJ urges Russia’s local and national government to repudiate Milonov’s remarks and make clear that he does not speak for the government of Russia or the Russian people.”

Well, he definitely speaks for both – he’s an elected official.

Instead of attacking people who accuse you of known crimes you committed, why not spend that energy disproving the claims?

But you Jews aren’t even saying the claims are false. You’re just saying people hate you for boiling them in cauldrons and that this is wrong.

How is it wrong to hate someone who boils you in a cauldron?

Boiling someone in a cauldron is like, one of the worst things you can do to anyone.