Daily Stormer
March 8, 2015

Since the annexation of Crimea, Putin’s already very high level of support among the Russian people has skyrocketed even higher.
Fifty-five percent of the 1,600 adults across Russia polled about their voting intentions by the independent Levada Center last month said they would cast their ballot in favor of Putin if a snap presidential election were held the following weekend. Of those people who said they would definitely turn out to vote and who had already made up their minds who to vote for, 86 percent would choose Putin, according to the poll, which had a margin of error not exceeding 3.4 percent.
Support for Putin has skyrocketed since Russia’s annexation of Crimea last March. In January 2014, 29 percent of Russian voters said they would vote for Putin in a snap election. In April, after Crimea had joined Russia’s federal fold, 49 percent of Russians were ready to cast their ballots in his favor.
Putin’s approval rating currently stands at 86 percent, according to the Levada Center. The president’s approval rating hit a historic high of 88 percent in October, amid intense fighting between pro-Russian rebels and Ukrainian military forces in eastern Ukraine.
The latest Levada Center poll also revealed that 57 percent of Russians would like to see Putin re-elected in the 2018 presidential election. One-quarter of the population would like to see another candidate assume the presidency, according to the poll.
This is while the Ruble has collapsed.
Can you imagine a Western leader ever having this kind of support? After having ruled the country for fifteen years?
Whatever you think of the guy, he is doing something right.