Russian Whore Arrested in Thailand Begs Deep State to Bail Her Out in Exchange for Info on Trump

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
March 1, 2018

Spend some time in Thailand on, say, Phuket and you’ll quickly realize that it’s becoming a Russian colony.

Then spend some time in the icy wastes of Russia and you’ll see why Russian tourists flock to Thailand to get some vitamin C and fresh veggies once a year before going back to the grind.

There’s your background – there are a lot of Russians in Thailand.

And this one chick apparently decided that she was going to pursue a lucrative career in whoredom with rich Chinese businessmen on vacation while she was there.

And you know she fucked up if she attracted the attention of the Thai authorities who are really lenient with that kind of stuff.

Washington Post:

A self-described sex expert whose videos highlighted the ties between one of Russia’s richest men and the Kremlin has been jailed in Thailand and is calling for U.S. help, claiming she has information about links between Russia and President Trump.

Anastasia Vashukevich, an escort service worker from Belarus who catapulted to a certain measure of fame after filming a yacht trip with Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska and Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko, was detained in Thailand over the weekend in a police raid on her “sex training” seminar. While still in custody Tuesday, she published Instagram videos asking U.S. journalists and intelligence agencies to help her.

What is the Trump connection?

Deripaska, with whom Vashukevich said she had an affair, used to employ former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. But Vashukevich, better known by the alias Nastya Rybka, provided no evidence Tuesday to back up the claim that she had new information to offer related to the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. A post to her Instagram account showed her sitting on the floor of what was described as a Thai jail cell and said she was sick.

Here’s what she had to say:

“I am the only witness and the missing link in the connection between Russia and the U.S. elections — the long chain of Oleg Deripaska, Prikhodko, Manafort, and Trump,” Vashukevich said in a live Instagram video Tuesday, apparently shot as she was driven in an open-air police van through the Thai resort city of Pattaya. “In exchange for help from U.S. intelligence services and a guarantee of my safety, I am prepared to provide the necessary information to America or to Europe or to the country which can buy me out of Thai prison.”

Let’s take a look at the “Russian” in question.

Is this the first sighting of the elusive Russian le 56% face??? She looks part-negro or something.

Here she is all dolled up – she looks completely different.

A quick PSA: all these whores that claim to be “sex experts” or whatever are always ugly. Hot chicks, for the most part, don’t need to advertise their wares so heavily. Men want them anyway – it is the bizarre mulattos and fatties and mystery meats that do this sort of shit.

I mean just look at that face – can you imagine the Donald ever getting involved with it?

I sure can’t.

In a sane world, people would take one look at that face and be like, “bro, he must have been wasted or drugged if he tapped that,” or reasonably conclude that it’s lying to get out of a Thai jail.

But in Clown World, this story makes it onto the pages of the Washington Post as a hit piece against Donald Trump.

Also, it seems that some Russians are picking up on the whole Russia-Trump liberal connection and trying to cash in on it. There are these Russian pranksters that have been calling up American politicians and offering bogus info on Trump/Russian collusion.

Even people supposedly on Trump’s side eat it up.

On a side note – I think Nikki Haley is much hotter than that other chick. And you know she gets around.

Never seen a chick in stripper boots like that who didn’t get around.

I hope the Thai authorities let that literal whore rot in jail.