September 3, 2013

After stirring Russian society with the controversial act banning non-traditional sex propaganda, the head of State Duma’s committee for the family wants to introduce fines for illegal abortions and prescription for morning-after pills.
MP Yelena Mizulina of the Fair Russia parliamentary caucus said in an interview with the Izvestia daily that she considered bringing order to Russian law on abortions her primary task in the coming Lower House session.
The MP explained that although Russia has certain regulations on the termination of pregnancies, they do not contain any responsibility for violation. The only exception is performing abortions without medical training which is considered a criminal offence.
The rules concerning abortions are covered by the Law on Basics of Healthcare and they are fairly extensive. The act requires informed consent from the patient, there is a 12-week limit on pregnancy term (prolonged to 22 weeks for cases of rape and cancelled completely if an abortion is necessary for medical reasons) and there is an obligatory “silence period” during which patients must think about the decision without external pressure.
However, the law provides for no sanctions for violators and according to MP Mizulina abuse is rife. Parliamentarians suggest introducing fines for medical personnel who break the law. Mizulina also emphasized in the interview that no one would punish the women who have to go through abortions, and any contrary statements in the mass media were lies.