Russia’s Syria Talks End Well

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2017

At first, I was kinda rustled that Trump didn’t send someone to the talks after Putin invited him to.

Then I realized that it was like when you’re going out with your girlfriend and one of your guy friends is there and so you’re obligated to invite him along but he’s also obligated to say no.

This is Russia’s thing, and having been politely asked if he wanted to join, Trump politely declined.


Russia, Iran and Turkey have announced they will establish a trilateral mechanism to support the ceasefire in Syria. In a joint statement issued at the end of talks in Astana, they said the Syrian opposition should take part in Geneva peace talks on the issue.

The delegations of Iran, Russia and Turkey support the start of negotiations between the government of Syria and armed opposition in Astana, January 23-24, 2017, said a joint statement on Tuesday.

Moscow, Tehran and Ankara agreed that the Syrian crisis can be only resolved via a political process and that there can be no military solution.

The sides also agreed to a joint fight against militants from Islamic State, which alongside Al Nusra front has not been included in the negotiations. The trio also suggested separating the terrorists from Syrian armed opposition groups. They also welcomed the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2254 on the Syrian crisis, which was adopted in December 2015.

The countries said that they support the willingness of the armed opposition groups to take part in the next round of talks, which are scheduled for February 8 in Geneva.

Syrian Ambassador to the UN Bashar Jaafari told reporters it was extremely painful for the Damascus delegation to sit in the same room as Syrians linked to other agendas. He added that it was not the first time they had sat together, and that they had to do it for the sake of the Syrian people.

Jaafari called the negotiations “a success” and expressed support for the joint statement earlier issued by Moscow, Tehran and Ankara.

“Finally we have a consensual paper [the joint statement] agreed upon by everybody,” he said.

Mohammed Alloush, leader of the Jaysh al-Islam alliance, who is heading the delegation of the Syrian armed opposition at the Astana talks, said the rebels support a political solution based on UN auspices, while demanding the resignation of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Alloush added that the Syrian opposition will not engage in any talks with Iran and will not accept any statement by Tehran on Syria’s future.He said that he had given a proposal to Russia on the ceasefire, and expects an answer within a week.

Peace talks on Syria kicked off in Astana on Monday with frosty exchanges between the principal negotiators – the Syrian government’s UN envoy, Bashar Jaafari, and a delegation from the rebels headed by Mohammed Alloush of the Jaysh al-Islam (‘Army of Islam’) Islamist militant group.

The two-day event was held at the Rixos hotel in Astana, with the hosting Kazakh government providing additional security.

This is really just a formality at this point. Russia has pretty much already won the war, and Trump is going to pull out funding for the terrorists and that will quickly be the end of that.

Trump has also said he’d probably be cool with doing some joint bombings of ISIS with Russia, just as a symbolic wrap-up.