Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 2, 2016
Ryerson student Aedan O’Connor: WOW! That is one ugly bitch! You should get plastic surgery, Aedan!
What’s that, Jews?
Everyone hates you????
Maybe you should think about changing your behavior???
I mean, maybe if you weren’t Jewing everyone so hard, everyone wouldn’t want to destroy you!
Ryerson University has expressed concern about complaints of anti-Semitism that erupted at a student union meeting this week after students made a motion to mark Holocaust education week on campus every year.
“The university is very concerned about allegations at a recent RSU (Ryerson Students’ Union) meeting,” Johanna VanderMaas, manager of public affairs, said in an email Thursday.
“We are committed to providing a civil and safe environment which is free of discrimination, harassment and hate, and is respectful of the rights, responsibilities, well-being and dignity of all of its members.”
VanderMaas confirmed that Ryerson president Mohammed Lachemi had met with Obaid Ullah, head of the student union, to discuss the matter.
Ullah said the student union is also investigating the allegations, which he called disturbing.
Lachemi’s office has also spoken with one of the students who made the claims “to provide support, guidance and to ensure their concerns are heard” and contacted the Jewish student organization Hillel Ryerson, she said.
The alleged incident took place Tuesday evening at an RSU general meeting, during which a student introduced a motion to commemorate Holocaust education week with events to teach and remember the tragedy.
Nobody cares about your stupid hoax, Jews!
When you bring it up, you no longer come across as poor victims – you come across as whiny scumbags who are trying to emotionally exploit people for profit!
People hate you because of your behavior, Jews!
Third-year student Aedan O’Connor, there to support the motion, said she and other students were subject to jeers and snickers when they spoke, which escalated to anti-Semitic comments.
She also accused two groups of orchestrating a spontaneous walkout so quorum would be lost at the meeting, and with it an opportunity to vote on the motion for Holocaust remembrance — which both groups denied.
“Several students left crying and having panic attacks,” said O’Connor, 20, a member of Hillel Ryerson. Some posted their experiences on the RSU and other Facebook pages.
Panic attacks!
Because the dirty goyim don’t care about their nonsensical fake shower death room hoax!
Neither Ullah or Tamara Jones, RSU vice-president of equity, said they heard any derogatory remarks from their positions on stage at the front of the room.
But they said the union is disturbed by the claims. The motion for a week to mark the Holocaust has the support of the board and will likely be approved at the next meeting, said Ullah.
Ullah said the controversy broke out more than three hours into the meeting, after many attending to support earlier motions had left, and attendance was hovering around the required quorum level of 100 people.
When someone proposed the motion regarding Holocaust education week be broadened to a week commemorating all genocides, “it definitely caused a lot of heat in the room,” he said, adding that proposal “was not appropriate.”
Jews believe that the Holocaust is different from all other genocides!
Because they’re the only ones who got made into furniture, I guess!
News of the allegations quickly spread on social media and sparked condemnation from such groups as B’nai Brith Canada and Hillel Ontario.
Jones said since the meeting, she has heard from half a dozen upset students and expects to hear from more.
“I’m shocked and disheartened that any of this had to happen,” said Jones.
Both groups accused of orchestrating the walkout strongly denied it on Facebook and did not respond to media requests.
And of course they were Moslem groups.
Jews brought all these Moslems to our countries and they all hate Jews.
I envision a future where white people hate the Jews as much as the hajis.