Sacramento: First Big Chimpout of 2018! Enter the Summer of BLOOD!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 31, 2018

So the Sacramento gud boi who ran from the cops after they found him looting cars was shot in the back, apparently.

His brother crashing the town hall kicked things off earlier this week.

(Here’s the full video of that event, btw. For the record.)

Now Old Al is in the mix.

This is definitely going to be a big one.

The first big one of the Summer of Blood.

Btw, we’re calling this the Summer of Blood. Because it’s gonna be a fucking mess and yall better just get ready. There ain’t no getting off this ride.

Last night, the protests – in their forth night – raged.

But they haven’t really gotten hot yet. The cops are doing their “let the nogs nig” bit, and the nigs are nogin but… not that hard.


Fox News:

For the fourth consecutive evening, hundreds of protesters marched through downtown Sacramento, Calif., on Friday, calling for charges against two police officers linked to the March 18 fatal shooting of unarmed 22-year-old Stephon Clark.

But despite sporadic moments of tension – including attempts to block freeway exits and shut down a nightclub – the protests yielded no arrests or property damage.

Autopsy results from pathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu revealed Friday morning that Clark was shot from behind seven times, contradicting the department’s narrative that Clark was approaching the officers when he was killed.

The autopsy was released a day after an emotional funeral service at which the Rev. Al Sharpton, founder of the National Action Network, delivered the eulogy.

Sharpton praised demonstrators for their restraint and urged them to follow the lead of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and his advocacy of nonviolent protest. Wednesday will be the 50th anniversary of King’s assassination by gunfire.

They’re doing a good job with the restraint for sure.

But it will not last.

Last night they rushed a hotel.

I think they might pop-off tonight, hard.

These things usually have a build-up, with violence increasing day by day as white people fail to respond in the way they are looking for them to respond.

We shall see.

Srs Business

They’re taking this seriously.

Blacks can crash and shut down a city government meeting, but white people aren’t allowed to take issue with anything blacks do.

Fox News:

A nurse was placed on leave from a Sacramento, Calif., hospital Friday for writing on Facebook that Stephon Clark, the unarmed black man who was fatally shot by police, “deserved it for being stupid.”

Faith Linthicum, a labor and delivery nurse at Kaiser Permanente Roseville Medical Center in California, provoked a social media frenzy when she commented on a post about Clark’s death, the Sacramento Bee reported.

“Yeah but he was running from the police jumping over fences and breaking in peoples house…why run??!!! He deserved it for being stupid,” the post reportedly read.

Her comments widely circulated on social media. One user reportedly wrote, “How can we trust our lives, the lives of our black and brown babies to these people? Nurses are supposed to help people not be happy when people die.”

“Kaiser Permanente does not tolerate hate or discrimination and has a long history of embracing diversity and inclusion – it remains a place where we welcome everyone,” a statement from the company read. “We want to emphasize that the comments expressed by this employee, who is no longer with the organization, do not in any way reflect Kaiser Permanente’s views or actions.”

So, the thing is building up momentum throughout the society.

I thought the narrative wasn’t stable enough, but they’re running with it.