Sacramento Police Aperest Negro Who Murdered White Librarian

Ronald Seay.

See, libraries are racist because they’re filled with books that blacks can’t read.

Whites could make these books easy to understand like TV, but they don’t – because whites hate it when blacks get ahead.

This woman deserved what she got for supporting an industry built upon pure skin hatred.

CBS Local:

Sacramento Police have made an arrest in the murder of librarian Amber Clark.

Ronald Seay, 56, was arrested less than twelve hours after the shooting occurred on charges of shooting into an occupied vehicle. He was arrested in the Elverta area of Natomas.

Clark was shot and killed in the library parking lot Tuesday evening a little after 6pm, right after she had gotten off work.

On Thursday, police said they charged the suspect with homicide around 4 p.m.

Police said that the suspect lived within a few miles of the library. On Oct. 13, police had contact with the suspect at the North Natomas library when he caused a disturbance. Officers confirmed that Clark was at the library at that time working as a supervisor.

Based on their investigation so far, police believe that the disturbance on Oct. 13 was the only contact Clark and Seay had. Officers also said that Seay was issued a no trespass order after the disturbance.

Officers have recovered firearms in their investigation. They said the victim was shot multiple times and a handgun was used in the shooting.

Officers said that Seay is the only suspect at this time, but they are not ruling anything out at this time in the investigation.

Amber Clark.