Sadistic Homosexual Lindsey Graham Tells Israel to Bomb Iran Unless Hamas Releases Hostages

Israel’s attempt to “destroy Hamas” has been one of the biggest failures in all of military history. It’s right up there with the Ukraine sending 10,000 troops into Russia.

As I said from the outset, the only way you can destroy Hamas is by killing everyone in Gaza.

In an admission that Israel’s mission is totally impossible, the sadistic homosexual Lindsey Graham has called on Israel to begin bombing countries that support Hamas in order to stop Hamas.

New York Post:

Sen. Lindsey Graham on Sunday pitched a fiery strategy for securing the release of Israeli hostages: threaten to bomb Iran.

Well known for his hawkish foreign policy, Graham (R-SC) implied during an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” that Tehran has the influence needed to entice Hamas into releasing the hostages.

If I were the state of Israel, I would tell the ayatollah if these people do not come home alive — the ones that are left alive — and if we don’t get the bodies of the fallen, we’re going to blow up your oil refineries,” he said.

“That’s the only way you’re going to get the hostages released — is to put pressure on Iran.”

Graham has long called for a tougher US stance against Iran, which allegedly helps finance and supply terrorist organizations including the Hamas Palestinian group and Hezbollah.

The thing about this is that even if Israel threatened to bomb Iran and so Iran told Hamas to release the hostages, and even if Hamas did release the hostages, nothing would really change about Israel’s military situation. It would make things easier for Netanyahu domestically, as he would have fewer people protesting the war, but with or without the hostages, Israel has sworn to destroy Hamas, which they are not capable of doing without killing everyone in Gaza.

Iran has yet to respond to Israel’s assassination of the Hamas negotiator in Tehran. They are still saying they are going to respond, but they haven’t responded. This might be strategic, given that as long as they continue saying they are going to respond, airlines don’t want to fly to Israel, and Israel is losing money in a lot of other ways. That’s not clear.

However, they presumably will respond eventually, and if Israel started bombing oil fields in Iran, that would warrant a much bigger response.

This is to say: Graham is putting out a strategy to provoke Iran into launching a major attack on Israel, which he hopes would trigger direct US involvement in a war with Iran.

Graham is one of Trump’s biggest and most active surrogates, by the way.

This does not prove, but certainly suggests, that Graham believes Trump will be as aggressive as he is in defending the interests of Israel.

Both the Democrats and the Republicans are saying they want a war with Iran. There is no anti-war candidate in this upcoming election.