Sadly, China Claims They Have No Desire to Replace American ZOG as the Boss of the World

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 2, 2019

Please China, rule the world.

I really hope this is just rhetoric. Because I am really counting on China replacing the disgusting and evil kikes that control America as the boss of the world.


China doesn’t seek to surpass the U.S. as the globe’s dominant power but is prepared to “fight to the end” if needed, Defense Minister Wei Fenghe said, as trade friction grows between the world’s biggest economies.

“China has no intention, no power, to be the boss of this world, and against the United States to fight for this status,” Wei said on Sunday at the Shangri-La Dialogue, a major regional security conference. “Confrontation, including between China and the United States, is inconsistent with the interests of the two countries’ peoples and is not in the interest of the people of the world.”

Wei added at the event in Singapore that China still wants to resolve escalating tensions through dialogue, but it won’t be bullied.

“If the U.S. wants to talk, we will keep the door open,” Wei said. “If they want to fight, we will fight to the end.”

Apparently, the so-called “USA” – which I prefer to call “The Jewnited Snakes of Kikemerica” – does want to fight.

Because they are threatening a war with China, while suggesting that China did something wrong, even though they obviously didn’t.

A day earlier, Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan told the same gathering that the U.S. and China would eventually resolve their differences, downplaying the significance of escalating trade tensions even as he ripped Beijing’s leaders for behavior that “sows distrust” in Asia.

This was a completely unprovoked threat by this individual.

It is irresponsible and insane – but good.

Let these kikes and their shills like Paddy Shanahan try to go to war with China.

That will wear down and ultimately collapse the American Empire, and give the American people a chance to finally be free.

No Chinaman has ever:

  • Told me I have White Privilege
  • Told my son to inject himself with estrogen and cut his dick off
  • Told me 5-year-old children need to learn about man-on-man anal
  • Sent a tranny dressed as Satan to my kids’ library
  • Flooded my country with niggers from all over the entire world
  • Sent out women to march through the streets naked screaming like rabid animals
  • Created Star Trek: Discovery
  • Urinated in a jar containing the symbol of my God and called it art
  • Told my children to watch pornography that he produced
  • Sued me for making jokes on the internet
  • Stolen my website
  • Harassed my family
  • Run me out of my own country for making jokes they don’t like
  • Banned me from the internet
  • Purposefully published fake quotes from me
  • Called me “a hater” and “evil” for thinking I have rights
  • Legalized “gay marriage”
  • Mass collected all of my personal data and sent it to a foreign country
  • Told me fat women are beautiful
  • Told me 30-year-old women are sexually attractive
  • Created rape hoax laws
  • Arrested Julian Assange for doing journalism
  • Faked a gigantic Russian hoax
  • Sent my classmates to fight a war for Israel based on fake news
  • Blew up the World Trade Center
  • Faked a genocide and blamed me for it
  • Said Adolf Hitler was evil
  • Told me “democracy” is the same thing as freedom
  • Told me my slave-owning Founding Fathers secretly loved niggers and faggots
  • Purposefully created a situation where the majority of men cannot even have sex, let alone get married and have kids
  • Created an entire ideology about how families have to be destroyed in order to protect his race
  • Told me women are equal to men
  • Told me mass immigration raises wages
  • Told me Indians are better at IT than whites
  • Told me my country doesn’t belong to me and instead belongs to filthy subhuman monsters from everywhere

Jews, on the other hand, have done all of those things to me.

So, as you can see, from my position, it is obviously and plainly favorable that the Chinese become the boss of the world instead of the Jews.