Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 29, 2013

A&E has reinstated Duck Dynasty.
This is not what I had wanted to happen. Even though Phil did not apologize and say gay sex was awesome and good, as it was no doubt hoped he would, they have strategically ended the conflict prematurely, and thus stripped us of our cultural warfare symbol by these Jewish rats.
From the Washington Post:
“Duck Dynasty” patriarch Phil Robertson will return to work on A&E’s reality show despite his comments about gay immorality, the channel said Friday, reversing its decision to suspend him after facing a backlash and threatened boycott.
In a statement Friday, A&E said it was bringing Robertson back after discussions with his Louisiana family featured in the reality series and “numerous advocacy groups.”
Maybe something good can still come of it. The queers are definitely still mad.
From ABC:
“Phil Robertson should look African American and gay people in the eyes and hear about the hurtful impact of praising Jim Crow laws and comparing gay people to terrorists,” GLAAD said in a statement. “If dialogue with Phil is not part of next steps then A+E has chosen profits over African American and gay people — especially its employees and viewers.”
Still, the faith of the masses that the liberal establishment won’t strip them of everything they care about has been restored for the time being, and that is a bad thing.
The hope is that Phil will continue to push the anti-queer narrative, and thus continue to exacerbate the conflict.