Sagging Liar Theresa May Says British Dual Nationals will Not be Affected by Moslem Ban

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 31, 2017

The White House and DHS have made it explicitly clear that anyone holding an Islamic passport from one of the 7 first-round banned countries is being totally cockblocked.

It doesn’t matter if they have a Cuck Island passport or not. If they can be identified as being nationals of one of the 7 banned countries, they are out.

Stop lying Theresa, you sagging old childless slut.


Theresa May’s government issued a statement on Monday afternoon insisting British citizens with dual nationality will not be affected by Donald Trump’s US travel ban.

According to the Guardian, the PM’s deputy spokeswoman said the government was confident in the clarification secured by Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on Sunday.

This is a despite a statement issued on Monday by the US embassy in London claiming the opposite.

In an ‘urgent notice’ published on the embassy’s website on Monday morning, the US government said no visas would be issued to any dual nationals of countries listed under the so-called ‘Muslim ban.’

The Foreign Office had issued a statement late on Sunday night in which it claimed UK nationals traveling from the UK would not be affected by the “extreme vetting” security checks in place, even if they were born in one of the seven barred nations or hold dual nationality.

The statement followed talks between Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, Home Secretary Amber Rudd and US officials.

On Monday morning, the US embassy warned persons with dual nationality of the barred nations and any other nation not to apply for visas.

“Per US Presidential Executive Order signed on January 27, 2017, visa issuance to aliens from the countries of Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen has been suspended effective immediately until further notification.

“If you are a national, or dual national, of one of these countries, please do not schedule a visa appointment or pay any visa fees at this time.

“If you already have an appointment scheduled, please DO NOT ATTEND your appointment as we will not be able to proceed with your visa interview. Please note that certain travel for official governmental purposes, related to official business at or on behalf of designated international organizations, on behalf of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or by certain officials is not subject to this suspension.”

The British government is under pressure to condemn Trump’s 90-day travel ban, which prevents people from the Muslim-majority nations of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen from entering the US.

A petition on the UK Parliament’s website calling for Trump to be banned from the UK ahead a planned state visit in the spring has reached over one million signatures.

The Foreign Office issued a statement late Sunday night which sought to clarify how the new travel regulations would affect UK citizens. It followed talks between Johnson, Home Secretary Amber Rudd, and US officials.

According to the statement, UK nationals traveling from the UK will not be affected by the “extreme vetting” security checks in place, even if they were born in one of the seven barred nations or hold dual nationality.

Johnson, who condemned Trump’s travel ban on Twitter on Sunday, will now face questions from MPs in the House of Commons.

“Whatever happens, we will be demanding to know why the Canadian government was able to provide assurance to its nationals on Saturday evening that they would be unaffected by the ban, at the same time that No 10 was only just getting round to looking into [its] implications,” a Labour Party source told the Guardian.

If you faggots hate our country so much, how about this – you keep the hell out of it.

Moslems would only come to America for two reasons:

Terrorism, and the much more popular economic exploitation.

There is no other reason.

They don’t belong here and we don’t want them here and they have to go back.

Boris Johnson should keep his fat mouth shut.

Theresa should resign immediately and turn over control of Britain to Nigel Farage.