Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 18, 2015

Last week, the Black snake Saida Grundy, an incoming professor at Boston University, issued a public apology for having insulted White people on Twitter, calling White males a “problem population,” and claiming that White masculinity is “THE problem” on university campuses.

Her apology came following a letter from the university president condemning her statements.
More information in need of a serious apology has now come to light: back in February, Grundy publicly berated a White rape survivor, telling her to check her privilege and “go cry somewhere,” Fox News reports.
These comments were made on Facebook rather than Twitter, so they weren’t a part of the initial round of exposing. Though Grundy harbors a deep hatred for White men, she sure does seem to like our technology. Ah, but of course, it isn’t really “our technology” because without Black slaves picking cotton 200 years ago, there is no way we could have possibly invented computers and the internet.
Meghan Chamberlin, the White rape victim in question, told Fox that the comments made by Grundy were like “a kick in the stomach.”

Chamberlin took issue with a Black hate article referencing the Patricia Arquette Oscar chimpout which had been shared on Facebook.
“I LITERALLY cry and lose sleep over this,” Chamberlin wrote, mentioning her rape experience and adding that she felt “what this article did was tell me that I’m not aloud (sic) to ask for help… Because I am a WHITE woman… So when I read this article… you do understand what that does to me, right? It kills me…”
“’I literally cry’…. While we literally die,” Grundy responded, “try this article. A white woman explaining this issue to other white women… who manages NOT to cry while doing it!”
Chamberlin replied calmly: “No really. I got it. You can take your claws out, thanks.”
To which Grundy went full-Planet of the Apes:
“^^THIS IS THE S**T I AM TALKING ABOUT. WHY DO YOU GET TO PLAY THE VICTIM EVERY TIME PEOPLE OF COLOR AND OUR ALLIES WANT TO POINT OUT RACISM. my CLAWS?? Do you see how you just took an issue that WASNT about you, MADE it about you, and NOW want to play the victim when I take the time to explain to you some s**t that is literally $82,000 below my pay grade? And then you promote your #whitegirltears like that’s some badge you get to wear… YOU BENEFIT FROM RACISM. WE’RE EXPLAINING THAT TO YOU and you’re vilifying my act of intellectual altruism by saying i stuck my “claws” into you?”
Chamberlin then tried to back down from the chimping chimp. “I am choosing to “exit” this conversation,” she wrote.

But Grundy wouldn’t let it go: “go cry somewhere. since that’s what you do.”
Chamberlin responded: “Will do.”
Grundy then addressed those who had witnessed the chimpout: “am I mocking her tears or am I saying that her tears are meaningless displays of emotions because they don’t reflect at ALL an intention to understand the issue from the prospective (sic) of women of color or queer women.”
She added, “my name is *Sai*, but you can call me Dr. Grundy.”
Pretty hilarious how proud she is of her affirmative action degree that Jewed-out White people awarded her with as a way to celebrate their own mental illness and drive to destroy civilization.

If an advanced alien race came to me and was like “hey, we’re trying to completely destroy our highly complex society because we hate ourselves. We’re going to give you a position of power and wealth, put you in charage of a bunch of stuff you don’t know how to run, and then just let you completely collapse all our systems,” I might go ahead and do it, but I wouldn’t take much pride in the title of honored alien here to destroy everything.
The Facebook post was removed on Wednesday. Fox is still using the term “alleged” when referring to the posts, as the Negress has not yet admitted responsibility, but the fact that the post was deleted now certainly indicates that this was not a conspiracy to make Grundy look bad.
Grundy did not return an email or a phone call from about her posts on Thursday morning; within hours of reaching out, her Facebook page was taken down. Before the deletion, took a screenshot of her page which shows the exact same name and twitter article as appears in the screenshots. talked separately with three different people who also posted comments on that Facebook thread. was tipped off to the existence of the thread by one of the three posters. Two of the participants in the thread had taken screenshots, which they shared with
The woman who alerted Fox of the thread also sent the screenshots to Boston University, writing in a letter accompanying them: “When regarding her continued employment with Boston University, I hope the magnitude of her desensitized ability to have no compassion for a rape victim is considered.”
Though the university had previously stated that they would not discipline the wench for her Twitter hate, these new posts may well signal the end for Dr. Grundy. The school will end up looking completely ridiculous if they allow this vile monkey to teach at the school after she publicly trolled a woman for saying she’d been raped as a child.
The fact she was already forced to apologize was a monumental victory, and if she is fired this will be a legendary win for the White race.
Sure, it is only one less noisy stupid monkey in the affirmative school system, but it is symbolic, showing the finally, saturation has been reached and the winds of change are blowing in our direction.
You can email Boston University professor Robert A. Brown at, or give him a call at (617) 353-2200. Definitely worth the time.